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Pay attention, the plandemic it's OVER it's all a big lie

Dennis Ward

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Open letter to the media talking heads

Fake News are Criminals! Violation of 18 USC §2384

Yeah I'm calling you all out again, Stop the lies and the fear porn, you are the problem and not the solution.  You reap what you sow, cause and effect, the immutable law of nature!  It's nothing more than a media circus, a plandemic and you are all complicit!  Looking to blame someone, look in the mirror, that is where the problem is! Gotta read the script, kiss the ass for that big fat paycheck every week!  It's not just me saying this, oh no it's hundreds of millions of people around the world, people telling the truth!  People fed up with the lies and bullshit spewing out of the media mouths on a daily basis!  What a bunch of pathetic fools the media is, lying for a living!!  I think Huey Lewis and the News did a song about that??  Oh no, it was "Working for Living"!!  You know work, the thing most normal people do to support their families, keep a roof over there head!


Just in case you need just a little more evidence of the scamdemic give a listen to Polly St. George.

Dennis Ward

Grass Valley, California
