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Let's all go to the Coronashow!

Jim Stone

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It appears the United States is going to ditch Bill Gates, Fauci and more

The motives became too clear - to simply smash world economies. This is a bit of good news, but I am going to post what I was originally going to, to let people know just how bad motives are in the Corona camp

Let's all go to the Coronashow!

This morning I went to Wal Mart and Mexico has obviously drank the kool aid. There have been no lock downs, but today there were full blown transparent face coverings and gas masks walking around. People were using the one I posted on this site earlier. I myself am not even wearing N-95's or N-50's for that matter, I found a mask that is basically a wearable and washable fashion accessory that would probably be rated at about N-20 and I just use that because it is easy and does not show dirt right away. My mask is a genuine fashion item to use in the Corona fashion show. It looks a LOT better than an actual N-95 But if this sh*t storm of a hoax continues much longer, I can go BSL-4 and that's not a joke, I'll go out in a pressurized fully filtered BSL-4 suit, here's how:

I bought three of those Tyvek chemical suits for about $3 each. I can't explain why they are so cheap in Mexico, but they are the real deal and zip tight quite nicely. Here's how I'll concoct a real BSL-4 suit with those:

I'll take a 7 amp hour 12 volt gel cell battery and a 12 volt brushless fan, and an air filter for a small car and rig it all up so that the fan pushes the air through the filter and subsequently pressurizes that suit so I'm all inflated like the Michelin man. To accomplish the seal, I'll put rubber bands inside the cuffs to cause them to seal off against rubber gloves, and I'll do the same with boots on the bottom. For the face, I'll sew in a clear vinyl window. All of it will be done in a way that it looks like a manufactured product (I'm REAL good at that type of thing) and it will look like a genuine BSL 4 suit.)

Then, when I KNOW I'll get lots of attention because I did this, I'll have a sign that says "get your coronavirus info here" and people will without question, due to the huge curiosity, take the info in droves. The front fold will be DOOM but when they open the flyer it will explain how the coronahoax is a bullshit political tool, "and you can trust me, I'm the guy with the BSL 4 suit and I think IT IS B.S. - I only wore it for this to prove I am not the average joe and my opinion matters.

Here is what we face if we don't shut this show down STAT:

In a year or so (probably sooner) you won't be able to buy a fridge, or a TV, or a blender, or anything else because they'll have the factories shut down, which is what they wanted all along. For God's sake don't throw good stuff away anymore, because it will likely be the last you ever get. Already the supply lines are going to be so glitchy from a lack of manufacturing that there will be an impact, even if the hoax ends today.

They will eventually get this stripped down to "only essential foods" and they'll all be contaminated. You'll get your drugs or starve. It is obvious, due to the attacks on Christian churches, that they plan to force people into accepting evil to get by.

And I know why they are attacking Christians the most

They are after the Christians the most because the bible tattles on their "mark of the beast" and they can't have 200 million people in America alone resisting them just because of that. Muslims have been manipulated into rejecting the bible entirely, when Islam does not say they should. They will be easy to control because due to their rejecting of the bible they have no references available for the mark of the beast.

But there's a problem with that:

The Quran was supposed to have been delivered as a correction to corruptions in the bible. It by itself actually can support a full blown religion. But when it comes to bible topics, it is a "readers digest condensed book" which means you get a novel in 30 pages or so, when you really need the whole novel. The mark of the beast reference is not in the Quran. It has things like jonah, stories like that are given a single sentence so you know it happened but it is not like the bible that goes into detail. The Quran is a VERY SHORT book, I have seen complete copies written in 8 point letters fit on 88 pages complete with additional instructions on how to do the prayer. The Quran has a system of law in it in addition to religious teachings PLUS a very sparse summary of the entire bible. It is an extremely efficient book that gets ALL OF IT done in HALF a New Testament. How big is the new testament compared to the old?

We are told a huge lie about Islam - that the quran is this GIANT book that takes FOREVER to get through that has an endless amount of trivialities in it when in reality it is arguably the most efficient work ever written that basically says it all in a sentence. If you get an efficiently produced single language version it is more or less a pamphlet, it is not even as long as most paperbacks. That works great for keeping things simple and easy to understand, however, if you go ONLY with that and reject the bible you're going to be missing so much detail that you'll make huge errors, including taking the mark. Muslims were never told to ignore the bible, they were instead told that the Quran was the most perfect work available and if there were any discrepancies to use the Quran.

This is precisely why during the coronahoax they are letting the mosques hold their services and they are shutting down Christian churches. This is not about a virus, it is instead about control and getting people to take the mark. They have the Muslims under their thumb, and the Jews don't have to worry because they are the ones doing it. It is the Christians that are standing in the way of "progress".

Jim Stone

It appears the United States is going to ditch Bill Gates, Fauci and more

The motives became too clear - to simply smash world economies. This is a bit of good news, but I am going to post what I was originally going to, to let people know just how bad motives are in the Corona camp

Let's all go to the Coronashow!

This morning I went to Wal Mart and Mexico has obviously drank the kool aid. There have been no lock downs, but today there were full blown transparent face coverings and gas masks walking around. People were using the one I posted on this site earlier. I myself am not even wearing N-95's or N-50's for that matter, I found a mask that is basically a wearable and washable fashion accessory that would probably be rated at about N-20 and I just use that because it is easy and does not show dirt right away. My mask is a genuine fashion item to use in the Corona fashion show. It looks a LOT better than an actual N-95 But if this sh*t storm of a hoax continues much longer, I can go BSL-4 and that's not a joke, I'll go out in a pressurized fully filtered BSL-4 suit, here's how:

I bought three of those Tyvek chemical suits for about $3 each. I can't explain why they are so cheap in Mexico, but they are the real deal and zip tight quite nicely. Here's how I'll concoct a real BSL-4 suit with those:

I'll take a 7 amp hour 12 volt gel cell battery and a 12 volt brushless fan, and an air filter for a small car and rig it all up so that the fan pushes the air through the filter and subsequently pressurizes that suit so I'm all inflated like the Michelin man. To accomplish the seal, I'll put rubber bands inside the cuffs to cause them to seal off against rubber gloves, and I'll do the same with boots on the bottom. For the face, I'll sew in a clear vinyl window. All of it will be done in a way that it looks like a manufactured product (I'm REAL good at that type of thing) and it will look like a genuine BSL 4 suit.)

Then, when I KNOW I'll get lots of attention because I did this, I'll have a sign that says "get your coronavirus info here" and people will without question, due to the huge curiosity, take the info in droves. The front fold will be DOOM but when they open the flyer it will explain how the coronahoax is a bullshit political tool, "and you can trust me, I'm the guy with the BSL 4 suit and I think IT IS B.S. - I only wore it for this to prove I am not the average joe and my opinion matters.

Here is what we face if we don't shut this show down STAT:

In a year or so (probably sooner) you won't be able to buy a fridge, or a TV, or a blender, or anything else because they'll have the factories shut down, which is what they wanted all along. For God's sake don't throw good stuff away anymore, because it will likely be the last you ever get. Already the supply lines are going to be so glitchy from a lack of manufacturing that there will be an impact, even if the hoax ends today.

They will eventually get this stripped down to "only essential foods" and they'll all be contaminated. You'll get your drugs or starve. It is obvious, due to the attacks on Christian churches, that they plan to force people into accepting evil to get by.

And I know why they are attacking Christians the most

They are after the Christians the most because the bible tattles on their "mark of the beast" and they can't have 200 million people in America alone resisting them just because of that. Muslims have been manipulated into rejecting the bible entirely, when Islam does not say they should. They will be easy to control because due to their rejecting of the bible they have no references available for the mark of the beast.

But there's a problem with that:

The Quran was supposed to have been delivered as a correction to corruptions in the bible. It by itself actually can support a full blown religion. But when it comes to bible topics, it is a "readers digest condensed book" which means you get a novel in 30 pages or so, when you really need the whole novel. The mark of the beast reference is not in the Quran. It has things like jonah, stories like that are given a single sentence so you know it happened but it is not like the bible that goes into detail. The Quran is a VERY SHORT book, I have seen complete copies written in 8 point letters fit on 88 pages complete with additional instructions on how to do the prayer. The Quran has a system of law in it in addition to religious teachings PLUS a very sparse summary of the entire bible. It is an extremely efficient book that gets ALL OF IT done in HALF a New Testament. How big is the new testament compared to the old?

We are told a huge lie about Islam - that the quran is this GIANT book that takes FOREVER to get through that has an endless amount of trivialities in it when in reality it is arguably the most efficient work ever written that basically says it all in a sentence. If you get an efficiently produced single language version it is more or less a pamphlet, it is not even as long as most paperbacks. That works great for keeping things simple and easy to understand, however, if you go ONLY with that and reject the bible you're going to be missing so much detail that you'll make huge errors, including taking the mark. Muslims were never told to ignore the bible, they were instead told that the Quran was the most perfect work available and if there were any discrepancies to use the Quran.

This is precisely why during the coronahoax they are letting the mosques hold their services and they are shutting down Christian churches. This is not about a virus, it is instead about control and getting people to take the mark. They have the Muslims under their thumb, and the Jews don't have to worry because they are the ones doing it. It is the Christians that are standing in the way of "progress".

Jim StoneSent by