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The Secret History of the Biden Family


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Center for American Progress ( via Flickr

Joe Biden has spent a lot of time and made a lot of dealing with Ukraine's, while Trump got impeached on loose allegations of wrongdoing in Ukraine, Biden is running unquestioned on his shady dealings. While the big picture of the scandal is well known the details that help us better understand this have been evasive and few media outlets have put time and energy into looking into them. Here are 7 details about Joe Biden’s shady Ukraine dealings you should know about:


1.) Mykola Zlochevsky

By Daniel Schwen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Mykola Zlochevsky was the head of Burisma, the firm that hired Hunter Biden. Zlochevsky was the former ecology minister under the pro-Russia leader Viktor Yanukovich. This set of connections led to the initial allegations that Zlochevsky was abusing his office to enrich Burisma.


2.) Hunter Biden’s Board Role

Hunter Biden first joined the board in April 2014, we know this because of back records from the time. Despite having no background in the energy industry Hunter landed this huge role that most of his education level could only dream of getting. During the 16 month period that Hunter worked there, Burisma put $3.1 million into a bank account owned by Hunter’s companies.


3.) Joe Biden’s Obama Administration Policy Role

By Daniel Schwen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

While Joe Biden was Vice President he shaped the administration's policies toward Ukraine, policies that involved energy and anti-corruption. Biden’s role directly affected Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, and his son Hunter Biden.


4.) Burisma Exploits

By The White House from Washington, DC (P072814PS-0319) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Burisma used Hunter Biden to get access to several important lawyers from America, including one who was a former member of the Obama Justice Department. Without Hunter, Burisma would likely not have been able to get these important legal minds. This was all noted and uncovered by the New York Times.


5.) Air Force Two Adventure

By Flughafen Dresden GmbH [Attribution], via Wikimedia Commons

One odd encounter with Joe Biden and his son happened when the two flew to China on Air Force Two and after a 10 day period Hunter Biden’s own firm managed to somehow land a $1.5 billion deal with a Chinese company. This all happened in 2013 around the time of the dealings with Burisma.


6.) Magic Money

Impossible amounts of money flowed into the account of “Robert H. Biden” from Ukraine, China, Kazakhstan, and various other countries. All this was going on while the Bidens played their games in Ukraine with Burisma.

 7.) Prior Legal Scrutiny

Gage Skidmore ( Via Flickr

Burisma is not a company that was clean, it was a very dirty and suspicious company. Prior to Hunter Biden joining the board, Mykola Zlochevsky had $23 million in assets frozen by the British government as part of a corruption investigation into Burisma.