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6 Scary Takeaways From FBI's FISA Witch Hunt


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  • 2019-12-27
  • Source: TTN
  • by: TTN Staff
  • Political Commentator Sharyl Attkisson took to Twitter to show us a new take on what happened with the FBI and its role in spying on the Trump Campaign. Attkisson pointed out the 6 big red flags that everyone saw but everyone failed to put together. Attkisson also points out several ways the media has tried to mislead the public in the wake of the IG report. Here is what Attkisson pointed out:  


    1.) Media Manipulation


    By Haxorjoe (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Attkisson points out in the tweet that the media tried to put the IG report in a different light, in a way the inspector general didn't want it to be portrayed. This type of deception isn’t uncommon for mainstream media.


    2.) FBI Bias


    By Internet Education Foundation [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Attkisson reveals that there was more than just bias within the FBI, it is revealed that the FBI was almost solely driven by their bias against Trump. The FBI was deeply biased against Trump and individual agents had a deep hatred for the man that would become the President.  



    3.) Fake Documents

    ·        2019-12-27

    ·        Source: TTN staff

    ·        by: TTN


    FBI agents falsified documents during the course of the Trump-Russia investigation was a huge problem. Attkisson points out here that this likely wasn’t the only time that they have done this.

    4.) The Process Itself


    By Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (Director Wray Installation Ceremony) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    Attkisson points out in this tweet that the very nature of the FISA process is a problem, a system easily abusable will be abused.   



    5.) Other Investigations


    By Tim Pierce (Own work) [GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

    Should any investigation the FBI has done with these agents be trusted? Do their agendas go beyond politics? These are the questions we need answers for! 



    6.) Congress Should Act

    Carol M. Highsmith [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

    Congress has had many opportunities to act on this issue, they have failed on all fronts. Some days it seems Congress could care less about the rampant abuse going on within the government.