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Oct. 13, 2016

Obama care was the biggest non military disaster in modern US History. Wealth redistribute and taxes do not work. I have the silver ppo in Illinois and my wife could not see her doctor. I had to pay out of pocket. Obama lied when he promised we could keep our Doctor.

All Obamacare provisions are a literally a recipe for destruction of individual insurance markets.

Then the plan was for the “mislabeled” Cadillac tax, which is tied to CPI and will hit 75% of ALL plans within 10 years, to end employer insurance and along with it, the biggest tax deduction on IRS books.

Voila! Medicaid for All single payer sneaked in the back door.

Small wonder Pelosi and Reid ran over Obama last year to delay the politically toxic Cadillac tax until 2020. It hits unions first and would have cost Hillary the election.

“Lack of transparency was a huge political advantage…Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for Obamacre to pass.”

-Dr. Jonathan Gruber, MIT health care economist and architect of Obamacare, who in 2014 was promptly thrown under the bus by Obama after videotapes of Gruber letting the cat out of the bag finally surfaced.

ObamaCare Individual Mandate Fine Hit 8 Million People This Year

Roughly 8 million people faced ObamaCare individual mandate penalties this year totaling more than $3 billion, an analysis of the latest IRS data reveals.

Despite the controversy and high-stakes legal battle that has surrounded the individual mandate, the scope of the penalties paid this year has gone unreported by major news outlets as attention has focused on ObamaCare’s latest and most glaring problems: weak enrollment, surging premiums, and insurer losses that have provoked the exit of UnitedHealth (UNH), Aetna (AET) and Humana (HUM) from most state exchanges.


Yet ObamaCare’s mounting problems should only serve to intensify questions about the wisdom and fairness of the individual mandate. The root of all of those ObamaCare problems is that far too many people — even those eligible for big subsidies — see the plans as either unaffordable or such a bad deal that they’re willing to risk paying a fine.

Another reason for the lack of coverage may be that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen issued two ObamaCare reports to Congress on the extent of penalties paid last year, including one in July 2015, but has been silent about this year’s mandate fines.

Yet the IRS Taxpayer Advocate Service included some preliminary statistics on 2016 ObamaCare mandate payments, officially called the Individual Shared Responsibility Payment, when it issued its below-the-radar annual tax season review on July 7. As of April 30, 5.6 million tax returns included mandate payments averaging $442 per return, compared with 6.6 million tax forms including average payments of $190 at the same point in 2015.

More recent data from the IRS wrapping the past tax year show that the final tally for 2015 ObamaCare Mandate fines included payments on 8.1 million tax returns averaging $210 for a total of $1.7 billion.