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April 29 2016

NY Times: Immigrants, the Poor and Minorities Gain Sharply Under Health Act

Hispanics — a demographic coveted by both political parties in this election year — accounted for nearly a third of the increase in adults with insurance, according to a New York Times analysis.

Rebuttal by lThe Anti- New York Times

Basic accounting lesson here, folks -- for every credit there must be a debit somewhere. So: if the sanctified, beatified, exalted "immigrants, poor and minorities"  have "gained sharply" under ObongoCare; then some other group or groups has to have lost sharply in order to pay for the "free" health care bestowed upon this rabble proletariat of Democrat voters. But don't expect Sulzberger's Slimes to reveal the identities of the debit-losers to its readership of "educated" fools. Leave that task to The Anti-New York Times.

The four main categories of debit-losers are:
  1. Taxpayers who are paying, either through higher taxes or inflation, for the added interest-bearing deficits being piled onto existing State and National Debts
  2. Health Care providers and doctors who are seeing their Medicare & Medicaid reimbursements slashed, in some cases, to near-loss levels (here)
  3. Insured workers now forced to pay high mandated deductibles and out-of pocket expenses to offset the losses which private insurers are suffering.
  4. Elderly but salvageable patients who are being deliberately morphine-dripped or injected to death as bewildered and stressed-out family members are left scratching their heads.


Debits must equal credits ---- The percentage of the Federal Budget allocated to Medicaid (welfare/ObamaCare) has nearly doubled under Obongo (was 5% in 2008, 9% now). Since they won't cut the bloated Department of Offense, the only way to pay for ObongoCare is through taxes, money-printing / inflation and cutting SS & MediCare reimbursements to doctors and hospitals.


The dynamics affecting groups 1, 2 & 3 are self-evident, and self-explanatory to anyone with a pre-Common Core 4th-grade understanding of mathematics. It is category # 4 which, due to its horrifying implications, is being kept 'hidden in plain sight' from the ageing American public. So well-hidden, in fact, that your intrepid reporter here did not discover and piece together the mystery of this quiet genocide until days after his own 92-year old mother was injected to an unexpected death this December past.

In fairness, the mass-murders didn't begin with ObongoCare, but the killings have dramatically increased since his ascension to power. You see, the millions of younger Turd World parasites now "entitled" in healthcare are causing the government to divert resources away from the elderly. As of 2015, ObongoCare actually incentivizes hospitals & doctors for "end of life" consultations (negativity sessions) and "palliative care" (death by morphine) for non-terminal patients. (here) That's the 'carrot', but there is also a 'stick' involved.

Whenever an elderly MediCare patient exceeds the government's ever-shrinking hospital-stay allotment time, the hospital loses money. The pressure is growing to push granny and gramps out the door. But should any given granny return within a period of time, the hospital is also penalized for a "readmission" on its reimbursement request. (here) Not only does the hospital lose money for an individual readmission; but if its overall readmission rate is too high, the reimbursement deduction applies to all other reimbursement requests as well. In short, the very old have become bad for the bottom line. 

Obongo and his handlers laugh as they murder mainly White seniors prematurely while diverting their health-care dollars to the never-ending hordes of alien invaders and their litters of new "citizens".


Yes, it's true. The high cost of covering alien parasites is diverting health care dollars from grandma. From the balance sheet perspective of pressed and stressed hospital administrators, granny is worth more dead than alive. It's economic battlefield triage, pure and simple. The killing scam involves putting the patient in a morphine induced "coma" while filling the heads of family members with excessive negativity about "quality of life" and "low probabilities" of recovery. Once the medical ghouls have secured a "Do Not Resuscitate" authorization (in the repeated event of heart / breathing stoppage), the fetus, er the senior will be deliberately juiced to death -- the cause of death to be described as "stopped breathing".

Here is just a small taste of what is going on all across America, as recently reported by a local NBC affiliate in North Texas:

FBI: Frisco Hospice Owner Directed Nurses to Overdose Patients

"You need to make this patient go bye-bye," executive is quoted as saying

 The owner of a North Texas medical company regularly directed nurses to give hospice patients overdoses of drugs such as morphine to speed up their deaths and maximize profits, an FBI agent wrote in an affidavit for a search warrant obtained by NBC 5.

Harris, an accountant, instructed a nurse to administer overdoses to three patients and directed another employee to increase a patient's medication to four-times the maximum allowed, the FBI said. He allegedly sent text messages like, "You need to make this patient go bye-bye."  (here)


The Frisco, TX case is not an isolated one! There are many other similar claims, perhaps not as overt and provable, occurring all across America and Europe. The evidence is clear --- senior citizens are the new fetuses! As far as the Left is concerned, squandering medical dollars to insure Democrat-voting migrant welfare scum amounts to a far better political investment than extending the lives of non-terminal seniors by a few more precious years. It really is that simple, and it should come as no surprise.