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Largest health insurance company in America financially devastated by Obamacare ... May pull out completely in 2016, collapsing the failed scheme

L.J. Devon,Staff Writer

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Dec. 4, 2015

(NaturalNews) CEOs of private health insurance companies didn't know what to expect after the Affordable Care Act became law in 2010. Some insurance CEOs feared the new government rules would restrict their ability to stay in business, ultimately bankrupting the private health insurance sector, to usher in an all-out government-run healthcare system. UnitedHealthcare was one large company that stayed out of the fray the first year the exchanges launched, as they waited for the right opportunity to take advantage of a new wave of enrollments.

One thing is for sure: the law forces all US citizens to purchase health insurance payment plans. Several health insurance companies jumped at the opportunity to join the Obamacare marketplace, because the force of law would enable their insurance companies to profit off millions of new enrollees who felt pressured to comply. In a way, the Obamacare marketplace was designed as a bailout for the already failing health insurance industry. It's obviously a bailout because the law goes as far as using the IRS tax system to fine those who don't want to buy health insurance, in order to force their compliance.


Health insurance companies cannot survive in the Obamacare marketplace

Still, millions of people continue to defy the health insurance mandate because they either seek better options in healthcare, or simply cannot afford what is being offered to them. Obamacare's success hinged on the fact that the population would all pitch in and pay their "fair share" to the health insurance industry. Now the health insurance companies that have joined the Obamacare marketplace are seeing million of dollars in losses because a large subset of the population refuses to be taken advantage of by a coercive system.

The largest health insurance company in America, UnitedHealthcare, is reporting multiple millions of dollars in losses just one year after entering the Obamacare marketplace. CEO Stephen Hemsley said, "It was for us a bad decision," as he addressed investors at a meeting in New York.

The company will no longer be advertising its Obamacare plans, and has even hinted at pulling completely out of the Obamacare exchanges in 2016. What used to be a profitable business is now dwindling away into million dollar losses. UnitedHealthcare projects that at the current rate, the company will face a half-billion dollars in losses in just a two-year time span.

CEO Hemsley regrets participating in the Obamacare exchanges in 2014. "In retrospect, we should have stayed out longer. We did not believe it would form this slowly, be this porous, or become this severe," he said, as reported by TheHill.

Let's try Freedom

If health insurance giants start pulling out of the Obamacare marketplace, the scheme could collapse for good, inviting lawmakers to initiate more government controls for a healthcare system that has strayed too far from the art and science of healing. Lawmakers will never get to the root of problems within the healthcare system, and will never have the ability to fix something that is fundamentally, ethically, philosophically and systemically broken. Forcing people to buy a product like health insurance only limits their options for real healing, while bilking them for all their worth through monthly payments and erroneous premiums that aren't even funding actual healthy lifestyle choices.

What if health insurance policies reinforced good behavior? What if clean water filtration systems and quality vitamin D supplements were made more affordable instead of brain damaging statin drugs and flu shots?

What if the plans stopped reimbursing "medications" that continue to cause people health problems?

What if the real healthcare providers were looked up to as the solution and were reimbursed for empowering others to better their health? Holistic-minded people provide solutions, such as the local honey farmer, the organic food coop, the community yoga teacher, the health coach who specializes in nutrient utilization, or the healer who makes herbal tinctures, teas and concoctions.

Sadly, all these healthcare professions are vilified by the government, the FDA, the American Medical Association, systematic, brainwashed medical doctors and the health insurance industry.

There are better ways of doing business in the health care industry, but the faults in the current industrial medical system have got to be admitted and the focus has to change. The government has got to get out of the way and stop mandating all the wrong interventions.

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