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UnitedHealth Wants Out of Obamacare: Single Payer Socialism Begins

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Nov. 20, 2015

Obamacare destroying medical care by design

UnitedHealth Group warned it may stop offering Obamacare coverage to individuals due to the program’s failures, which could usher in a “single payer” healthcare system even worse than Obamacare.

The nation’s largest health insurance provider said it lost money due to Obamacare’s disappointing enrollment and unintended consequences.

“The insurer’s withdrawal from the Obamacare exchanges would force nearly 550,000 Americans to find coverage from another provider,” USA Today reported. “UnitedHealth downgraded its earnings forecast, bemoaning low growth projections for Obamacare enrollment and blaming the federal health care law for giving individuals too much flexibility to change plans.”

“People who purchase insurance through the public exchanges are typically heavy users of their plans, draining insurers’ profits, analysts say.”

Although Obamacare’s implosion offers a glimmer of hope to the millions of Americans who lost their coverage due to the health law, the political elite will likely try to “fix” Obamacare by offering an even-worse “single payer” healthcare program ran almost entirely by the government.

“As dissatisfaction with Obamacare grows, there will be renewed efforts to pass a single-payer health care system,” Dr. Ron Paul wrote. “Single-payer advocates will point to Obamacare’s corporatist features as being responsible for its failures and claim the only solution is to get the private sector completely out of health care.”

“Unfortunately, many Republicans will inadvertently aid the single-payer advocates by failing to acknowledge that Obamacare is not socialist but corporatist, and that that the pre-Obamacare health care system was hobbled by government intervention.”

In other words, the problems with U.S. health care over the past century were caused – not solved – by government intervention.

And if you’d like an idea how a U.S. “single payer” healthcare system would work, just take a look at Veteran’s Administration in which the government, the “single payer,” could not care less if patients receive the treatment they need.

That’s because there’s no accountability to customers when the government and crony capitalists run an industry in place of a truly free market.