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While California Governor surrenders citizens to the vaccine industry, Texas Governor fights for liberty and law

J.D. Heyes

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(NaturalNews) The difference between two of the largest states in the country, California and Texas, could not be more stark, as a couple of recent actions taken by their legislators and governors indicate.

As NaturalNews readers know, in California recently state lawmakers passed - and Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown quickly signed - legislation removing parental choice regarding vaccines for their children.

The law requires most children in the state to be vaccinated before they are permitted to attend public or private schools, removing religious and philosophical objections by parents as reasons for not vaccinating their kids. The statute is now one of the strictest in the country.

Brown could hardly wait to sign the new measure. He issued a signing statement just a day after the Legislature sent him the measure that strikes the state's personal beliefs exemption for immunizations. The new mandate takes effect next year.

"The science is clear that vaccines dramatically protect children against a number of infectious and dangerous diseases," Brown wrote. "While it's true that no medical intervention is without risk, the evidence shows that immunization powerfully benefits and protects the community."


So much for personal liberty and freedom in California

Of course, the science is not settled, as NaturalNews editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported just recently, noting that a Washington state woman who had been vaccinated against measles actually died from the disease.

Contrast the California governing system with that of Texas, where Gov. Greg Abbott is pushing back against the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling which upheld federal Obamacare subsidies even in states that did not set up an Obamacare exchange.

According to his campaign web site, Abbott is prepared to battle on against the subsidies and against the law itself, which tens of millions of Americans still oppose:

The Supreme Court announced it sided with the Obama Administration in granting ObamaCare subsidies.

The Supreme Court abandoned the Constitution to resuscitate a failing healthcare law. Once again the Supreme Court rewrites ObamaCare law. It's time for We the People to take back our laws.

In June, prior to the high court's decision, Abbott wrote in a column for National Review Online that Congress, along with state governors, should work to kill the law.

"Today I am calling on my fellow governors across the country, and on members of Congress in Washington, to show some political spine and just say no to Obamacare. Now is not the time to throw Obamacare a lifeline - it is time to sound its death knell. Here's why," Abbott wrote.

For one, Abbott says, it is time for elected and unelected officials in Washington "to stop breaking things and demanding that states fix them." He noted that the Affordable Care Act was a Frankenstein's monster of sorts, pieced together through backroom deal-making, secretive processes and outright deceit.

"Remember the 'Cornhusker Kickback,' 'Gatorade,' the 'Louisiana Purchase,' the 'Senior Swindle,' and 'Grubergate?'" Abbott wrote, recalling many of the monikers that were given to some of the special deal-making with various lawmakers.

Texas is the anti-California

Also, he noted, the rollout of Obamacare was an unmitigated disaster, with millions of taxpayer dollars spent on developing a website that was completely non-functional and subject to hacking.

"And the results are so bad that only a politician in D.C. could love them. Folks who were happy with their doctors and wanted to keep them have been duped. The IRS is sending huge bills to Obamacare users who understated their income with the 'help' of crooked 'navigators,'" Abbott said. "Premiums are already higher than advertised - and rising. ... It is far too late for the president and his congressional enablers to pretend that this is someone else's problem."

Abbott, in his column, recommended far fewer federal government (and state government) regulations that limit or take away choice, empower bureaucrats rather than patients and cost consumers more in out-of-pocket costs.

How different from the government of California.
