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Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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FW:  April 17, 2015


What can't the human race be made to believe if They've already been convinced that poison is good for Their immune systems?


"Between fluoride, vaccinations, food preservatives/additives, chlorine, worthless synthetic vitamins, hygiene and cleaning products with highly toxic chemicals in them, it's a wonder anyone lives past the age of 30."


Prolonged life-spans of future generations will be determined by what They don't eat, and expose Their bodies to, in tandem with being able to obtain food(s) grown from heirloom seeds. The big pharmaceutical companies have invested billions in research and development to come up with Their insidious concoctions disguised as food, wreaking havoc on the health of the general population who can ill afford anything better. 


"The human race has been turned into a one vast immunological experiment of self quarantining automatons who have become quite adept at keeping up appearances to the contrary, but not convincing enough to hide Their general state of ill health, vacant probity, and delusion. . . a preferable condition for keeping the vast majority in, to maintain optimal influence and control."  ---RR


How corporate media pushes immunizations while censoring data that would expose vaccine dangers

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer


(NaturalNews) The way the mainstream media continues to hype this latest measles "outbreak" is appalling, especially considering that measles is a benign condition not much different from chicken pox or the common cold in terms of mortality risk. Everywhere you look these days, the corporate spin machine is hounding people to get vaccinated in order to prevent disease outbreaks, but from where does all this unsubstantiated fear-mongering stem?


It can all be traced right back to the pharmaceutical industry, which maintains under its umbrella of control several powerful means of disseminating its propaganda to the masses. This includes television news, print magazines and online periodicals, nearly all of which receive a bulk of their sponsorships from, you guessed it: the drug and vaccine industries.


Both basic and cable television news is dominated by advertising for the latest pharmaceutical pills, the parent companies of which also manufacture vaccines. A bulk of media advertising, in fact, at least among the big boys, is for pharmaceutical products, as evidenced by the fact that drug companies spend more money on advertising and promoting drugs than they do on drug research and development.




Big Pharma controls what's published in medical journals through advertising, sponsorships

A paper entitled "Competition and Commercial Media Bias,"[PDF] published in 2011, also links drug industry spending and influence to major bias in medical journals. Andrea Blasco from the University of Bologna in Italy and Francesco Sobbrio from the Institute for Advanced Studies, also in Italy, penned a study on the entities that control the media from behind the scenes, revealing that drug companies heavily influence health policy.


Four out of five of the most important medical journals, in fact -- the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Annals of Internal Medicine and American Family Physician -- all accept only advertisements related to medical products manufactured by Big Pharma.


Drug companies spent a shocking $326 million just in 2010 for advertisements in these and other medical journals, directly influencing the content published in these journals. As revealed in the study, the drug industry currently maintains the following types of control over medical journal content:


1) Drug companies finance medical journals by using "sponsor" subscriptions, paying for subscriptions to target certain populations.


2) The drug industry also contributes to medical journals' profits through reprint orders.


"[T]his symbiotic relationship between medical journal[s] and pharmaceutical companies seem[s] to have provided a very fertile ground for commercial media bias," explains the study. "Indeed, various scholars suggest that editorial decisions in medical journals have been, sometimes, influenced by advertisers' concerns."




Big Pharma spends more money than any other industry on government lobbying

Then there's the lobbying aspect, for which Big Pharma is also at the forefront. According to, the drug industry spends more money than any other industry on government lobbying to ensure that the public is constantly bombarded with advertising and other propaganda promoting drugs. This undue influence has also paved the way for pharmaceuticals and vaccines to become the primary form of "medicine" dispensed to Americans.


Even the federal government has sold out to the scam by doing Big Pharma's bidding. Kathleen Sebelius, the former secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services who oversaw the implementation of Obamacare, openly admitted during an interview back in 2010 that the feds actively work to censor the voices of anyone who opposes or even questions vaccines.


For more on the dangers of vaccines, and the many valid concerns about their safety that are covered up in the mainstream media, check out the following report:

