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Father Faces 20 Years Prison for Treating Daughter’s Cancer with Cannabis Oil

Christina Sarich

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Adam Koessler wanted to cure his 2-year-old daughter’s rare, stage 4 Neuroblastoma, a cancer of the abdomen that can be very painful. He learned about the positive medicinal effects of cannabis oil on cancers like his daughter’s and tried to administer the oil in an attempt to heal her. What followed is a complete nightmare.

Despite the fact that:

  • There is video evidence that cannabis oil attacks cancer cells on the spot
  • The undeniable reports from doctors that cannabis treats cancer
  • And the US government has been aware of cannabis’ cancer-curing qualities since at least 1974,

…the Australian government frowned on his attempt to treat her, since he resides in Australia, where medical marijuana is currently illegal.

Adam was recently arrested for “allegedly administering medicinal cannabis oil” to his 2-year-old daughter. He has also been charged with ”possession of a dangerous drug,” which comes with a 20-year jail sentence should he be found guilty. This, despite the fact that medical marijuana and even recreational marijuana is becoming legalized in more areas with each passing year.

Adam can only see his daughter with restricted access, as she has been removed form his care to be treated with aggressive chemotherapy. He is not being informed of her treatment details or progress – if any, and though Adam has tried to send her organic meals through a registered business during her hospital stay, the hospital will not approve delivery of her meals.

Other families with children staying in the same hospital are allowed to bring their children whatever food items they like. The actions of the hospital and the Australian court are egregious beyond any shadow of a doubt.

It is atrocious that a small child – only two – cannot see his primary caregiver (the mom and Adam are separated.) To  disallow him the knowledge of whether she is failing in health or thriving, is hideous, and to prevent him from even sending healthy food is simply asinine and overtly unfair.

Adam’s rights are no different than ours – and as simple people and parents we should reach out to help him in whatever capacity we are able. His story, sadly, is not that rare.

The medical mafia and the governments of ‘civilized’ nations have forced other children to have chemotherapy against their will. Can you imagine losing all rights to care for a sick child and having to sit idly by – or in jail – while the system dictates what is in the best interest of your progeny?

The laws clearly need to change. No government should be able to own your children and decide what is right for them – especially in light of the child sex abuse claims just now coming to the surface involving congress members and the UK parliament. Though there have been whistleblowers for years now. Are these really the people we want making medical decisions about our children?

Adam’s story has been in the Australian media where he has gained support, but you can also help Adam with donations or positive and uplifting Facebook comments.

Video Evidence of Marijuana’s Healing Power

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This post originally appeared at Natural Society

Article printed from Infowars: