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Ethan A. Huff, staff wroter

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Feb. 22, 2015


(NaturalNews) The old adage "let's just agree to disagree" is no longer a relevant concept when it comes to your personal medical views. It seems that the new American normal is for the government to literally mandate that you and your children consume junk foods and pharmaceuticals and get vaccinated, or else face harsh punishment, as evidenced by a string of recent state interventions against families who made medical decisions that differ from what's popular in the mainstream.


There's no room for agreeing to disagree anymore when what someone else disagrees with you about can potentially land you in prison or have your children taken away from you by Child Protective Services (CPS). Erica Carey and Cleve Goheen-Rengo, a couple from Washington state, recently learned this after being snitched on by a neighbor and tracked down by police and CPS officers over their decision to make alternative medical choices for their children.


According to reports, the couple decided to have a home birth last fall in which they birthed a set of twin boys, without ever going to a hospital or getting an ultrasound. A nosy neighbor heard Erica giving birth to the children inside her home and decided to call the police, who showed up at the residence and promptly invaded the couple's personal privacy, accusing them of failing to adequately nourish and care for their children.


The couple's children were ultimately removed from their own home for a short time over these allegations, escalating the situation rapidly to the point that, once the family got the children back, they decided to flee the area in order to avoid having their children abducted again by the state. A "Be On The Lookout" warning was issued throughout the West Coast as a result, and one obedient statist, after spotting the couple at a gas station in Santa Cruz, immediately called the police.


After arriving on the scene, California Highway Patrol (CHP) and CPS officers proceeded to arrest Erica while taking her and her husband's children into state custody. Her crime? Well, there doesn't appear to be one other than her and her husband's personal decision to avoid giving birth at a superbug-ridden hospital, without drugs or assistance from a licensed nurse or physician, which is their God-given right.


The state denies that this is the case, of course, but refuses to provide any concrete evidence of abuse or wrongdoing, which leads us to believe that this is yet another case of police state inebriation, with state officers drunk on power and perceived authority.


"Send a message to America for me," screamed a sobbing Erica as she was being forced into a police vehicle during her arrest. "Children don't belong to the government. The government belongs to the people."


US parents who make medical decisions that go against state recommendations increasingly being persecuted

There's a growing pattern of this type of police state abuse occurring all across the country. Children are being forced to undergo chemotherapy treatments, against their own will, as in the case 17-year-old Cassandra from Connecticut. And with all the recent vaccine hysteria, there are now calls by some doctors for parents of unvaccinated children to be arrested and have their children abducted by the state -- it's happened numerous times in the past.


These types of cases represent nothing short of medical tyranny, plain and simple. If the state disagrees with your mode of action in response to a particular disease, or even just your personal decisions for everyday life, then you may be accused of putting the lives of yourself and your children in danger, and punished accordingly.

