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The U.S. Healthcare System Is Not 'Ready' (And Why)


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Jan. 7, 2015

The U.S. healthcare system is NOT 'READY' (and Why)

Start with this:

The C.D.C. says that health care workers treating Ebola patients need only wear gloves, a fluid-resistant gown, eye protection and a face mask to prevent becoming infected with the virus. Here


Here's what USAMRIID said in 2005 for ANY VIRAL HEMORRHAGIC FEVER (VHF):

Airborne precautions should be instituted to the maximum extent possible. At a minimum, a fit-tested, HEPA filter-equipped respirator(such as an N-95 mask), a battery-powered, air-purifying respirator, or a positive pressure supplied air respirator should be worn by personnel sharing an enclosed space with or coming within six feet of a VHF patient. Multiple patients should be cohorted to a separate building or a ward with an isolated air-handling system. Ideally, VHF patients should be isolated in a negative pressure isolation room with 6-12 air exchanges per hour. Here and University of Minnesota

The irony of it all is that the CDC knows all this, and even states in their own writing that Ebola is transmittable via droplet form without the need of direct contact with an infected person, and has the capability of infecting anyone in the same room or care area if left for a prolonged period of time (which is where the scheduled air exchanges and isolated air-handling systems come into play).

In other words... THIS is NOT going to DO IT.


What they are really saying is that full court contamination precautions across the country is expensive, not feasible and won't be forthcoming. Hospitals are to 'do the best they can'.

The suits and gear are probably not made in the US, but in China which, strangely enough, might not be in the mood to give us a few hundred million protection suits when they need them themselves.

It means any nurse or doc who wants to take care of patients under these limited precautions.... risks taking it home to their families.

It means very few people will be showing up for work once the SHTF.

The American Healthcare System is NOT ready.