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John Kaminski

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Jan. 7, 2015

Greedy doctors' focus on profit

destroys mother-child bonding


A review of

Birth Trauma, 

and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, 

Exposing the Systematic Violence 

Against Women and Infants 

During Hospital Birth 

By Jeanice Barcelo, M.A.,



By John Kaminski



Is the world going mad and are people a lot more unhappy than they should be because of the barbaric way doctors treat mothers when they deliver their babies?


Jeanice Barcelo's gut wrenching indictment of the way hospitals and doctors brutally manipulate pregnant mothers in Birth Trauma, and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, Exposing the Systematic Violence Against Women and Infants During Hospital Birth insists this interference in the mother/child bond is a key element in the breakdown of human love worldwide.


The medical profession has its own rules about delivering babies, and the way Barcelo tells it, these methods not only create lasting scars in mothers, destroy many marriages and unnecessarily injure and kill children. They also leave a great uninvestigated tragedy of infants who do not properly bond with their mothers as a result of medical expedience more interested in profitable procedures than in healthy children.


Its effect on the world — but most especially on women and children, she insists — is catastrophic.


Ordinary readers, especially men brave enough to tackle the subject, will view with unadulterated horror the things that are done to babies in the name of keeping them healthy. Like screwing fetal heart monitors into their skulls. Or memory block drugs used for a variety of purposes including sexual molestation.


"Doctors don't care if mom 

and the baby are damaged"


Barcelo calls this birth trauma a hidden epidemic, and cites a 1995 study that determined 95 percent of all births in the U.S. were considered traumatic, 45% severely traumatic. The Centers for Disease Control, she says, are responsible for causing the deaths of thousands of unborn babies, because vaccinations cause a massive spike in fetal deaths.


An increasing number of birthing mothers recall their experiences as "birth rape", and following the extreme level of abuse they receive in hospitals, post traumatic stress afflicts many of them.


The level of malfeasance Barcelo itemizes in her examples of women giving birth reveals a glossary of horrors facing every woman who plans to have her baby delivered in a hospital. 


The most magic moment of every mother's life is turned into a nightmare by cash conscious doctors who misuse drugs not meant for childbirth to trigger induction — forcibly ejecting babies from the womb at the profound cost of severing the psychological bond between mother and child and predisposing that child to both afflictions and addictions later in life that need not otherwise occur.


The cost to society is extraordinary, tragic and mostly unacknowledged, the author stresses.


"The core of our pain starts at childbirth. It's about our own mothers handing over their power" to a conscienceless machine that rings babies through a medical cash register which simply doesn't treat them as the supremely sensitive and vulnerable human beings they are.


"They are birthing babies in violence and leaving infants alone at the gate in nurseries of horror, all done for power and gain.


"Knock 'em out and pull 'em out — it has all the elements of rape," says Barcelo, who herself has experienced five traumatic pregnancies that provided her with firsthand knowledge of how this miracle of birth is turned into a nightmare by the heavy handed processes used in for-profit hospitals.


Central to the tragedy is the use of epidural drugs, which accelerate the birth process. These cut off mothers' conscious contact with their babies and not only deprive them of the most special moments of their lives as mothers, but sabotage the bond with their child for life.


'Pit to distress'


Barcelo cites two main drugs as the major culprits in ruining the birth experience: cytotec (an ulcer drug) and pitocin, neither of which are recommended for use in labor but are widely used to hasten the contrived necessity of Cesarean section surgeries.


"We have the highest C-Section rate in the world because these drugs cut off oxygen to the babies and disrupt bonding and breastfeeding. Both drugs are linked to oxycodone addiction late in life as well as autism."


The use of pitocin, Barcelo explains, is often referred to as "pit to distress", or to deliberately put the baby in danger to more quickly necessitate the C-section option, which many mothers describe as not giving birth at all, but to having their baby stolen from them.


Also hair trigger decisions to abandon efforts to keep babies alive in Barcelo's experience are really often fictitious brain death diagnoses that enable lucrative organ harvesting.


And the damage is not only to mother and child, but also to fathers, as it was for one dad who "lost my connection to my wife that I never regained" for what was perceived as failure to protect his wife when doctors induced a C-section without parental permission. The PTSD that often comes with trauma not only afflicts babies and their mothers, but also distraught dads.


But the pain of accelerating the birth process is more than emotional, as the testimony of a mother who tried to give birth at home but was forced to call paramedics vividly attests. Doctors routinely inject paralytic drugs but often don't use anesthetics on patients they don't like to punish them for being recalcitrant. One woman Barcelo quotes describes how she was given an incredibly painful C-section without anesthesia, but being paralyzed, was uanble to protest.


"The torture of infants and mothers happens regularly," Barcelo writes matter-of-factly.


Bowels of the technological underworld


Barcelo writes:


"Worst of all in the fact that C-sectioned babies often end up in neonatal intensive care units, and those born before 39 weeks are twice as likely as those born vaginally to be kept in a NICU due to respiratory distress. Once a baby ends up in the NICU, the possibility for healthy bonding is further degraded.


"NICUs are like the bowels of the technological underworld. They are places where infants are literally held captive for weeks and months, and subjected to all manner of painful and tortuous medical procedures, most of the time without being given any kind of pain relief whatsoever."


Once a baby gets into an NICU, she is subjected to 14 to 21 invasive procedures per day, all without anesthesia, and the parents have no say over the treatment, nor can they remove their child from the NICU. The experience of pain, Barcelo writes, completely changes the wiring of the brain in adulthood.


The story of Andrew and his five months of torture plus his $100,000 medical bill that preceded his death will curl your toenails, guaranteed.


"Babies are being used for medical experiments," Barcelo writes. One government study that included data from Wake Forest and Yale universities involved deliberately depriving babies of oxygen to observe the results, which very often was death.


Barcelo reserves special scorn for the use of ultrasound frequencies, which are extremely dangerous to babies. "To me," Barcelo writes, "this indicates a distinct level of evil within the medical profession. It is a clear indication that they are willing and able to deliberately cause harm."


The lie that babies don't feel pain


Of all of the horrific descriptions Barcelo has put forth in her descriptions of the barbaric birth process, the one that rattled this reviewer the most was the widespread practice of medical procedures on babies based on the principle that babies do not feel pain.


A woman demanded to see hospital records after her son's death in 1985. She said, 'Somehow it was possible for professionals who perceived a baby as too fragile to tolerate general anesthesia to perceive that same infant as able to withstand open-chest surgery without pain relief. . . .' At two weeks (old), during his hour and half operation, Jeffrey had two holes cut on either side of his neck and one in his chest, he was cut from his breastbone around to his backbone, his flesh lifted aside, ribs pried apart, blood vessels tied off and lungs retreated, tissue stitched together and a 'stab incision' to secure chest tubes. He died a few days later as a result of the shock that overwhelmed his entire system causing his brain to bleed and his organs to fail. The hospital's senior neonatologist responded to his mother's inquiries by stating 'it didn't matter because he was a fetus,' explaining that children less than 2 years of age do not feel pain . . .  


"Such is the arrogance and extreme insanity of esteemed members of the medical profession who have continued to insist for more than 100 years that babies do not feel pain," Barcelo writes.


She also is on top of the latest bogus claim by the CDC that infant circumcision will prevent HIV when an avalanche of medical research claims the opposite. Barcelo blames the CDC pronouncement on "a well orchestrated media campaign by the Jews" that enables doctors to continue the most common surgery in America be performed on babies without anesthesia.


Even disregarding the savage practice of Jewish rabbis <>, studies have shown that ordinary circumcision trauma lasts a lifetime.


In addition, African countries have the highest rate of circumcision and the highest rate of HIV. And in Norway, the only country that records the circumcision status of rapists, the 2 percent of the population who are circumcised commit 80 percent of the rapes.


So how does the medical system do it? How do they turn good and decent people into biological robots who parrot nonsense and can't seem to think for themselves? The answer lies in the indoctrination process is set-up to systematically break down the morality and the will of medical students, and, if all goes according to plan, will cause a split in their psyche that will result in dissociation and the assimilation of an alter personality that will be willing to conform to medical norms.


The horrors in these satanic birth factories seem to go on forever.


• Cells from aborted babies are also  being used for "flavor enhancing research" by companies like Senomyx and residue from aborted babies can be found in products made by Pepsi, Nestle, Kraft, and Campbell, all of whom have hired Senomyx to do their "flavor enhancing research".


• Israel is on the cutting edge of this Luciferian technology and it is involved in something called "post mortem sperm retrieval," which involves harvesting sperm from dead men.


And lastly, 


According to Dr. Paul Byrne, 80-year neonatologist exposing the dark side of organ donation, "brain death" is a completely fictitious diagnosis conjured up by the underworld demigods for purposes of finding a way to legalize the harvesting of organs while people are still very much alive. Organ donation in the U.S. is an extremely dark business, with living people being wheeled into operating rooms and having their chests cleaved open and their organs removed one at a time at the hands of medical sadists . . . The organ removal is done without anesthesia in the U.S., but with the victims instead being given paralysis drugs so that they cannot move or scream while they are being tortured and murdered by medical doctors.


"Many people now allege that the CDC's real purpose is genocide and depopulation, and that vaccines are biological weapons purposefully being used to create mass sterilization, disease and death. These programs are being used to deliberately depopulate the Earth, Barcelo insists, pointing out the chart on that forecasts a drop in the U.S. population from 316 million to 69 million by 2025.


Jeanice Barcelo comes through a tragic lineage of the haunted womb, from a mother and grandmother who never bonded with their children. In reporting that 75% of mothers have received an epidural during labor prior to birthing their children, she is in a sad majority of children who did not receive the love they should have when they first appeared in the world.


That means that three quarters of the children who are born in this country do not receive the optimum amount of love from their mothers that they rightfully should, and looking at the world around us, the sad result of that tragedy is all too clear. 


For more information about or to purchase a copy of Birth Trauma and the Dark Side of Modern Medicine, go to




John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North Port FL 34287 USA.



