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Dec. 8, 2014


Salon Magazine published, “Over 95 percent of physicians are concerned about antibiotic resistance, a Consumer Reports poll found. And they have good reason to. Called a global threat by the World Health Organization and “the next pandemic” by CDC director Thomas Friedan, antibiotic resistance threatens their ability to do their jobs. Imagine being a doctor and having to tell a patient with a common but serious disease, like pneumonia, a urinary tract infection or gonorrhea, that there’s nothing you can do to help them.”

Doing nothing or being absolutely helpless in the face of a patient’s problem is extremely difficult for physicians, but as it is with prostate cancer patients, sometimes it is better to do nothing than to dangerously intervene. Five hundred doctors were polled with 85% saying they’d treated a patient with a confirmed or suspected antibiotic-resistant infection; 35% saw their patient suffer serious complications or die as a result.

Dr. Brad Spellberg of UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine wrote, ‘Rising Plague: The Global Threat from Deadly Bacteria and Our Dwindling Arsenal to Fight Them,’ which is about medical frustrations and anger that come with the ineffectiveness of antibiotics. “Sitting with a family, trying to explain that you have nothing left to treat their dying relative — that leaves an indelible mark on you,” he says. “This is not cancer; it’s infectious disease, treatable for decades.”

It is a deception for medical journalists to infer that there is nothing doctors can do, to help their patients with infections, if those infections have drug resistant mutations. What would be much more truthful would be to say, “There is nothing that typical western medicine can do to help people with antibiotic resistant bacteria or viruses,” but that does not mean other forms of medicine can step in and do the job.

There are many ways to treat dangerous infections, which western medicine does not want to entertain. From ozone and other forms of oxygen therapy to magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate, there is actually a host of natural alternative approaches to infection control but it often seems the western medical establishment would rather people die than get help from any other source, even when they are officially impotent—as is the case with infections with mutations.

The New York Times has a distressing report on the epidemic of antibiotic resistant “superbugs” killing newborns by the tens of thousands in India. “A deadly epidemic that could have global implications is quietly sweeping India, and among its many victims are tens of thousands of newborns dying because once-miraculous cures no longer work. These infants are born with bacterial infections that are resistant to most known antibiotics, and more than 58,000 died last year as a result, a recent study found.

“Five years ago, we almost never saw these kinds of infections,” said Dr. Neelam Kler, chairperson of the department of neonatology at New Delhi’s Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, one of India’s most prestigious private hospitals. “Now, close to 100 percent of the babies referred to us have multidrug resistant infections. It’s scary.”

These babies are part of a disquieting outbreak. A growing chorus of researchers say the evidence is now overwhelming that a significant share of the bacteria present in India — in its water, sewage, animals, soil and even its mothers — are immune to nearly all antibiotics.

Doctors still prescribe antibiotics like cotton candy no matter how strong the warning bells ring. In September of 2013, Dr. Thomas Frieden, the director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, issued a blunt warning: “If we’re not careful, we will soon be in a post-antibiotic era. For some patients and some microbes, we are already there.”

We are in a post-antibiotic era as some have declared just like we are already into recession and outright depression as well as on our way to a new ice age and war with Russia. The point is we should have already responded to threats and changes but a world of doctors have not stopped writing prescriptions and factory farms have not stopped using antibiotics by the ton.

The chief medical officer of the United Kingdom, Dame Sally Davies — who calls antibiotic resistance as serious a threat as terrorism — recently published a book titled Drugs Don’t Work where she describes a world where infection is so dangerous that anyone with even minor symptoms would be locked in confinement until they recover or die. It is a dark vision, meant to disturb. However, it may actually underplay what the loss of antibiotics would mean.

Viral Infections

Radu Sigheti/Reuters

The official story on viral medications goes something like this. “Various drugs are available to treat viral infections. Although these drugs may not eliminate an infection, they are often effective in reducing its severity. Many viral illnesses are mild and clear up without treatment because healthy people can usually fight off infection quickly. Sometimes, antiviral drugs help to relieve symptoms and hasten recovery. However, because viruses invade body cells in order to multiply, antiviral drugs can damage body cells as well as the targeted viruses. Their use is therefore usually limited to treating severe or recurrent infections.”

Some side effects have been associated with the use of flu antiviral drugs, including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, runny or stuffy nose, cough, diarrhea, headache and some behavioral side effects. These are the main symptoms of a bad cold or flu so it is not too far-fetched that the medications cause what they are supposed to prevent.

Influenza’s ability to resist the effects of popular antiviral agents should serve as a cautionary tale about U.S. plans to use the antiviral medications in the event of widespread avian flu infection. Researchers already know that widespread antiviral drug use can accelerate the evolution of drug resistance in viruses, and that resistant strains can emerge and spread rapidly.

The CDC has ruined its reputation showing it has not learned anything and cannot be trusted to protect public health when they tell the public to take the influenza vaccine this year that they themselves have just declared ineffective.

This is good news actually, because the influenza vaccine is dangerous and contains insane levels of mercury damn the CDC in the eyes of medical history.

Mercury tests conducted on vaccines at the Natural News Forensic Food Lab have revealed a shockingly high level of toxic mercury in an influenza vaccine (flu shot) made by GlaxoSmithKline. Tests conducted via ICP-MS document mercury in the Flulaval vaccine at a shocking 51 parts per million, or over 25,000 times higher than the maximum contaminant level of inorganic mercury in drinking water set by the EPA. The concentration of mercury found in this GSK flu shot was 100 times higher than the highest level of mercury we’ve ever tested in contaminated fish.

Bacteria are highly intelligent but we cannot say the same for doctors at the CDC and FDA. Bacteria are able to quickly transform to become resistant to even our strongest antibiotics but we are too dense to stop using dangerous drugs and vaccines that not only do not work but contain neurological poisons making doctors at the CDC into criminals who are poisoning the public with mercury.


Antibiotic resistance develops when bacteria change in some way to resist the effects of an antibiotic. They may, for instance, “learn” how to neutralize the antibiotic before it can do harm, or pump the antibiotic out before it can do any damage. Others can even change the site the antibiotic attacks so it doesn’t affect the bacteria’s function.

Bacteria can even become antibiotic resistant because of a mutation in their genetic material or by acquiring parts of DNA from resistant bacteria. If even one bacteria is able to survive an antibiotic, it can quickly multiply and replace the bacteria that were killed off. This is not the case when iodine is used as an antiviral, antibiotic or even antifungal.

However, bacteria are helpless no matter how much they mutate in the face of radical shifts in pH or oxygen levels. Western medicine has dug itself in and is beyond the reach of medical reason, when it comes to resistant bacteria and viruses.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 2 million people in hospitals get infections each year, which cause 90,000 deaths. Of these, more than 70% of the bacteria that cause these infections are resistant to at least one common antibiotic that is typically used to treat them. The public needs the answers that Natural Allopathic Medicine provides.

Now comes word that the same problem has happened with antivirals. A new study by a team of University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder) and Ohio State University researchers shows the avian flu virus (an influenza A subtype dubbed H5N1) is quickly developing resistance to a major class of antiviral drugs. In fact, the researchers documented this trend in more than 30% of the virus samples they tested.

The group of antiviral drugs known as adamantanes, one of two classes of antiviral drugs used to prevent and treat flu symptoms, have long thought to be a strong weapon against avian or bird flu if it attacks humans. But according to a CU-Boulder statement released to the media, resistance to adamantanes has developed and it appears to be linked to Chinese farmers adding the drugs to chicken feed to try to prevent the flu in the birds.

A study, published online in the journal Infection, Genetics and Evolutions is the first to show H5N1 flu drug resistance to adamantanes has developed through novel genetic mutations. The researchers note there is also resistance of the avian flu virus to the second, newer class of antiviral drugs that includes oseltamivir (a prescription drug sold as Tamiflu), although it is not yet prevalent or caused by genetic mutations. But that could happen in the future, and happen quickly. The new research suggests that widespread antiviral drug use can accelerate the evolution of drug resistance in viruses, and could cause resistant strains of bird flu to emerge and spread rapidly.