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Obama's New Medical Snooping Program

Health Edge

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Oct. 31, 2014

Washington's Massive

Bio-Surveillance System?


The federal government is moving forward with a broad bio-surveillance system. Under this plan, federal officials will gain real-time access to your private medical records. All in the name of national security.

It's called the National Health Security Strategy.

The name sounds pretty harmless. But the plan is anything but.

The draft of this plan calls for greater "health situational awareness." It's meant to minimize the affects of any health related emergency. At least that's its stated goal.

But to do that, it gives the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) the authority to monitor your behavior before, during, and after a health incident. And mind you, the incident could be as minor as an outbreak of the flu.

The end game is a real-time collaboration between doctors and government officials. Your private medical data will be shared any time a government agency asks for it.

That's scary enough. The scope of the data they're collecting should send chills down your spine.

According to Twila Brase, the founder of Citizens Council for Health Freedom, the data is all encompassing. It includes, "what our health status is, whether we exercise, how often we get a cold, or what kind of medications we're taking."

The feds want access to your most personal details.

The Hidden Danger of Bio-Surveillance

The Health Information Privacy rule (HIPAA) was actually the first step toward full government bio-surveillance.

Under HIPAA, your doctor cannot share your health information with anyone without your permission except public health officials. When it comes to the government, HIPAA permits disclosure of your personal health information without notifying you of what's happening.

The privacy violation here is huge.

But there's another problem with the government amassing this amount and detail of health information on the public.

They plan to make...(continued here)

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