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Posted on October 24, 2014 Leave a Comment

Big Pharma Seeks Diplomatic Immunity for Use of Ebola Vaccines

October 24, 2014

Ebola Report: Update #37

Earlier I reported how the US government and the United Nations had given themselves complete legal protection – diplomatic immunity – through the activation of Project BioShield, the execution of US executive order 13295 and by declaring the fake 2014 ebola outbreak an “international health crisis” and “a threat to world peace and security.” They both did so in order to be fully protected against any claims for losses by citizens anywhere in the world who will become victims of the legalized testing of dangerous and even deadly vaccines, allegedly to stop the ebola outbreak from expanding.

As the US government and the UN have successfully paved the road for themselves to be able to legally inject anyone with anything – in the name of fighting ebola and to safeguard national health and security – the corporate big pharma leeches feel that the time is right now for them too to claim immunity against claims for losses as they will produce and supply dangerous and deadly ebola vaccines to be used by governments, organizations and the United Nations.

The mainstream press, on its turn, is more than happy to assist the murdering pharmaceutical corporations into actually getting diplomatic immunity for the coming premeditated corporative slaughter.

Reuters: “Drugmakers may need indemnity for fast-tracked Ebola vaccines”

  • Drugmakers are looking for some kind of indemnity from governments or multilateral agencies against possible losses or claims arising from the widespread emergency use of new Ebola vaccines in Africa. … GlaxoSmithKline (GSK.L) Chief Executive Andrew Witty said a system of indemnity made sense given the unique situation … Witty said indemnity … would be needed when vaccines were rushed into much more widespread use. I think it is reasonable that there should be some level of indemnification because the vaccine is essentially being used in an emergency situation before we’ve all had the chance to confirm its absolute profile … That’s a situation where we would look for some kind of indemnification, either from governments or from multilateral agencies.

Once even the pharma sector has been provided with diplomatic immunity there really is no stopping a massive slaughter through legalized experimentation with tainted, spiked and laced vaccines. However, expect no facts from the media on the matter, all deaths will be categorized as ebola deaths, even when like currently up to 83% of the victims go without an official cause of death.

I have repeatedly stated that the FRAUDULENT ebola ride is far from over, the info in this latest update, #37, is just another piece of screaming evidence that is staring us all in the face.

People better pay attention, enough warnings have been given and enough info has been provided already. Being caught by surprise now is likely your own fault!