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Aug. 29, 2014

The attacks against Colloidal Silver (CS), 35% Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and all other alternative therapies / treatments (that actually work) by the Orthodox Medicine cartel continue in an effort to stifle any and all competition to the Pharmaceutical Industry's drug manufacture and sales business.  The AMA, FDA, Insurance companies, and Mainstream Media are all unscrupulous and willing parties with the Pharmaceutical Industry and since the early twentieth century have created the largest Medical Monopoly the world has ever experienced.  This includes the countless doctors, nurses, pharmacists and their assistants who either naively or knowingly administer these dangerous drugs to the American population.  The fact that this medical monopoly is not being prosecuted under the U.S. Anti-Trust Laws, appears to make the federal government complicit in this crime of humanity against the American people.  The Medical Monopoly, also referred to as the Medical Mafia by many people in the know, has run rough-shod over the health of Americans for nearly 100 years now.  This unholy alliance continues to manufacture, advertise, sell and administer harmful and deadly drugs that: promise to control pain but never cure its cause; that promises to kill cancer cells but, like a handgrenade, indiscriminately kills healthy cells while greatly weakening the body's immune system; that promises to treat and control one disease while causing other diseases to occur as side-effects, etc.  Note: So-called "Radiation therapy" is as damaging to DNA structure as chemotherapy. 

The Medical Mafia is an evil cancer in our civilization.  It has two objectives: 1. to make as much money from its victims (medical patients) as possible via injury, sickness and misdiagnosis, and 2. to "cull the herd" of human overpopulation.  They use synthetic chemicals and compounds that are knowingly incompatible with the human / animal body, thus producing DNA damage (cancer) in various regions of the body.  Regardless of the outcome, the insurance companies rubber-stamp the doctor's diagnosis and damaging treatments, never researching or allowing alternative therapies / treatments to be covered under the patient's insurance policy.  Most often, at some point, the patient's (victim's) insurance policy runs-out.  The treating doctor will then say to the patient "We have done all we can for you; you have "x" amount of years, months, or weeks to live.  The doctor will then release the patient from all treatments, discharge the patient from his care and/or from the hospital, which, in turn, releases the doctor from all future responsibility.  The patient is then sent home to fend for himself.  For the doctor, it is business as usual; on to the next unsuspecting and unwitting victim.

The real tragedy is that the patient becomes a willing victim, never thinking to question the doctor's findings, diagnosis, treatment or conclusions --thus treating the doctor's words as gospel.  He usually never questions the doctor's advise or gets a second opinion and he usually takes whatever his insurance company offers him in terms of coverage and treatment.  He usually doesn't think to, or won't, do his own research or try something that might actually produce a genuine health improvement. If the patient only knew that many alternative therapies / treatments can be performed quite easily and with a minimum of expense, especially in the first stages of illness, things might turn out better for him.  It is often after a patient has been discharged or released and is often sicker than when he began treatment, that he begins to see the Light and starts seeking alternative ways of improving his health.  Unfortunately, at a late stage of illness, even the best of alternative therapies / treatments may not be able to reverse the damage that the body has experienced.  Hence the saying: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. ... --Hosea, 4:6

People who find themselves in this unfortunate position, however, should never lose hope.  There are many who, after being released from the so-called care of Medical cartel, have resumed responsibility for their own physical health and made remarkable recoveries from often serious and life-threatening illnesses.  There are a handful of doctors, nurses and true health organizations, etc. across America who are now awakened to the plight of our corrupt health-care system and are raising awareness of their patients and readers.  Seek these people and organizations out; listen to them and read what they have to say on the various subjects of health and disease.  Educate yourselves with alternative therapies and treatments for any ailments you, a family member or a friend may be experiencing.  Find out what is working for others and listen to those who have had success.  Seek and you shall find.  Freely share what you have learned with others if what you have has merit, but force your information or opinion on none.  Those who are not seeking truth in health will not believe or accept what you have to say, and will resent you for contradicting what they have already selected for themselves.  Everyone has the sacred, God-given gift of free-will to do with as he wishes.  Send these ones your love and energy, for the effects of their choices are most difficult indeed.