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Making the connection: why most pharmaceutical pills cannot biologically heal the body

Lance Johnson

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(NaturalNews) "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are the words of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine. In his day, Hippocrates revolutionized the practice of medicine, analyzing individuals' health on a case-by-case basis, instead of invoking blanket causes and blanket cures for made-up disease labels.

Today, in Western pharmaceutical medicine, blanket drugs are developed and marketed with authority. Pharmacology is reinforced in the US by a new-age government agency (the FDA) that has approved some 773 chemical agents for use as inactive ingredients in pharmaceutical drugs.

One of those chemical agents is propylene glycol, an excipient that helps deliver the active ingredients of the drugs. This ingredient alone renders pharmaceutical pills useless. Here's how:


Propylene glycol renders pharmaceutical pills useless, metabolizes to lactic acid

Many pharmaceutical pills contain propylene glycol. For example, propylene glycol makes up 40% of intravenous phenytoin (Dilantin) and other injection meds.

Here is a list of popular drugs that contain propylene glycol.

As an excipient, propylene glycol acts as a solvent, humectant and preservative for pharmaceutical drugs. Biologically speaking, propylene glycol is metabolized in the human body primarily into lactic acid.

As lactic acid builds up in cells, a state of acidosis is created in the human body, establishing an environment where disease can thrive. Furthermore, the immune system can become suppressed as lactic acid builds up.

While the drug's active ingredient is transported through the body, the inactive ingredient of propylene glycol is metabolized into an acid, causing the cells to swell, bringing fatigue. This alone renders pharmaceutical drugs useless and counterproductive, as they suppress the human immune system!

In this study, lactacidosis was found to be a major mechanism of cytotoxic brain edema and brain damage. In this study at Duke University Medical Center and the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), researchers found that lactic acid is an important energy source for tumor cells. The most dangerous tumor cells in the experiment were destroyed by preventing lactic acid from being transported and thus starving the cells.

Propylene glycol comes from petroleum industry, used in antifreeze

Not only is propylene glycol in pharmaceuticals, but it's also an additive in products like de-icing fluid, antifreeze, brake fluid and polyester resins. This means that taking pharmaceuticals is like drinking vehicle maintenance fluids.

What's even stranger is that propylene glycol is a byproduct of the petroleum and natural gas industries. Propylene glycol comes from the hydrolysis of propylene oxide which is formed through the hydrochlorination (oxidation) of propylene. Propylene itself is a byproduct of petroleum and natural gas fossil fuels.

With that being said, is it even ethical to market drugs that are full of an oil byproduct that's also used in antifreeze and brake fluids?

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About the author:

Lance Johnson is a passionate learner, researcher, writer, and entre-health-leader. He and his wife have launched an all natural products movement from the ground up at

The Johnson's are inspired by natural healing and the lifestyle changes that have awoken their spirit and given them quality of life.

Lance Johnson is a passionate learner, researcher, writer, and entre-health-leader. He and his wife have launched an all natural products movement from the ground up at The Johnson's are inspired by natural healing and the lifestyle changes that have awoken their spirit and given them quality of life.