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New Petition Announced This Month To Close Two Loopholes Allowing Forced Medication and Quarantine

Greg Glaser

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Dec. 20, 2013

(NaturalNews) In December of 2011, Natural News was the first news organization to report a major loophole in American emergency laws - the loophole gives public health authorities ambiguous discretion to forcefully separate parents and their children during emergencies, and then vaccinate the children: Loophole in Vaccine Law, by Greg Glaser (November 2011).

Fortunately today, two health freedom attorneys for the Pandemic Response Project (PReP) are working to close this loophole at the State level (starting in California) through a proposed new law called the Peaceful and Natural Dignity Act (PANDA). We are asking fellow health freedom supporters to watch our informative video and sign the petition at, to help us put the new proposed law before the California legislature for debate: Read and sign the health freedom petition.

In summary, the proposed PANDA law explicitly confirms the fundamental right of peaceful and non-incarcerated individuals and families to:

(a) Remain free of forced medical treatment during times of peace and emergency, and

(b) Self-quarantine on private property during times of emergency.

So PANDA would close two loopholes in California's emergency response laws that threaten to: (1) quarantine and criminalize individuals for remaining un-medicated, and (2) strip families of custody rights for remaining un-medicated.

Apart from California, other States in the Union are also vulnerable to the same loopholes described above. Accordingly, the PReP attorneys hope to tailor a PANDA statute for each State.


Greg Glaser is a California attorney and one of the drafters of PANDA. Greg is also the founder of Civil Action Network, a wiki-style forum for peaceful activism and referenda.