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  • Oct 17, 2013
  • theunhivedmind

    Obamacare Debacle Is Intentional — Not From ‘Glitches;’ Millions of Poor Excluded

    October 16, 2013 • 9:53AM

    As of two weeks into the operation of the new Obamacare online markets for obtaining insurance, the drastic malfunctioning of the system, and the rate of non-signups, reflect the intent of the ACA (Affordable Care Act) all along: an operation for perpetrating mass death.

    Two recent New York Times articles provide details of this. First: failures of the exchanges cannot be blamed on technical computer problems. Secondly: even if the IT on the insurance exchanges worked perfectly, some nine million poor Americans are disqualified for any coverage at all, because they earn too much to qualify for Federal or state aid to the poor through Medicaid, and yet too little to qualify for insurance subsidies under the ACA.

    On Oct. 12, the New York Times issued a write-up, titled,”From the Start, Signs of Trouble at Health Portal,” in which a team of researchers (R. Pear, S. LaFranier, and I. Austen) summarized the analyses of many health care and IT experts. The conclusion, “‘These are not glitches,’ said an insurance executive who has participated in many conference calls on the federal exchange… Interviews with two dozen contractors, current and former government officials, insurance executives, and consumer advocates, as well as an examination of confidential administration documents, point to a series of missteps — financial, technical and managerial — that led to the troubles.” In other words, planned failure is the name of the game. As the Times noted, “just a trickle of the 14.6 million people who have visited the federal exchange so far, have managed to enroll in insurance plans….” The Obama Administration refuses to say how many.

    On Oct. 2, the day the Obamacare exchanges first opened, The New York Times issued its estimate that nine million poor Americans fall into the “disqualified” status, in which they are barred from any insurance. They make too much to qualify for coverage under Medicaid, and too little to qualify for Federally-subsidized insurance under Obamacare. In Tennessee, for example, up to 250,000 people are in this category — lives deemed not worthy for care.

    The article, “Millions of poor Are Left Uncovered by Health Law,” gives the analysis of census data, by a special Times team (S. Tavernise and R. Gebeloff), of where poor and uninsured Americans live. The team concludes that Obamacare “will leave out two-thirds of the poor blacks and single mothers, and more than half of the low-wage workers who do not have insurance…” adding up all told, to nearly nine million people.

    (cf. EIR, Oct. 11, 2013, “Obamacare in Action: Sacrificing Millions to Imperial Finance.”(subscription required))