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Knock, Knock: Will You Open Your Door When Obamacare Agents Show Up

Mac Slavo

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Oct. 10, 2013

In addition to the negative impact Obamacare will deliver to our national economy and personal financial well being, one terrifying yet little discussed set of provisions within the Affordable Care Act authorizes agents of the government health care apparatus to visit your home, enter it without probable cause, and seize your children should they deem your household to be operating counter to the wishes of the state.

Knock, Knock Will You Open Your Door When Obamacare Agents Show Up

You’re probably thinking that there is no way this can happen. The government would never override parental rights and take control of their children. But this is exactly what is already happening, even before Obamacare has been full implemented, as evidenced by a recent court ruling giving the State control over the medical treatment of an Amish child whose parents refused Chemo therapy.

There is already precedent and when Obamacare is metastasized into the very fiber of America the government will essentially have total control over not just our medical future, but every aspect of our lives:

Citing the Heath and Human Services website, a report posted Wednesday at the Freedom Outpost says that under Obamacare, government agents can engage in “home health visits” for those in certain “high-risk” categories.

Those categories include:

• Families where mom is not yet 21;

• Families where someone is a tobacco user;

• Families where children have low student achievement, developmental delays, or disabilities, and

• Families with individuals who are serving or formerly served in the armed forces, including such families that have members of the armed forces who have had multiple deployments outside the United States.

According to HHS, the visits fall under what is called the “Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program” allegedly designed to “help parents and children,” and could impact millions of Americans

Constitutional attorney and author Kent Masterson Brown said that despite what HHS says, the program is not “voluntary.” 

The Examiner

Will you open the door when Health and Human Services comes knocking?

If not, be ready for them to kick it down.

But then again, this could never happen in America, right