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OtramaCare's FAILURE TO LAUNCH-WashPost cant find one Enrollee in DC!!

David M. Adam, Jr.

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OtramaCare's FAILURE TO LAUNCH-WashPost cant find one Enrollee in DC!!


David M. Adam, Jr.



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Subject: ObamaCare's FAILURE TO LAUNCH-WashPost cant find one Enrollee in DC!!


                      The ObamaCare Exchanges Have Started With A Thud                      

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Failure To Launch

The ObamaCare Exchanges Have Started With A Thud


The Obama Administration Continues To Tout The “Sustained Interest” In The ObamaCare Exchange. “The Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday touted sustained interest in the 36 health insurance marketplaces it’s helping to run around the country.” (Brett Norman and Jason Millman, “ObamaCare Day 2: More Turmoil, Some Progress,” Politico, 10/2/13)

ObamaCare Enrollees Have Yet To be Found

Reporters At The Washington Post Are Having Difficutly Tracking Down A Single Person That Enrolled In The ObamaCare Exchange. “The federal government has said that somewhere out in this vast country of 313 million people, where 48 million lack insurance coverage, someone has managed to sign up for health insurance on the federally-run marketplaces. As of yet, we haven't tracked this person - or these people - down.” (Sarah Kliff, “The White House Says People Have Bought ObamaCare. We Haven’t Met Them Quite Yet,” The Washington Post’s WonkBlog, 10/3/13)


CALIFORNIA: “California’s Health Insurance Exchange Vastly Overstated The Number Of Online Hits It Received Tuesday During The Rollout Of Obamacare.” (Chad Terhune, “California Exchange Overstated Its Web Traffic For Obamacare Launch,” Los Angeles Times, 10/3/13)

“State Officials Said The Covered California Website Got 645,000 Hits During The First Day Of Enrollment, Far Fewer Than The 5 Million It Reported Tuesday.” (Chad Terhune, “California Exchange Overstated Its Web Traffic For Obamacare Launch,” Los Angeles Times, 10/3/13)

In California, “Nobody Has Actually Enrolled Yet.”  ANCHOR: “And instead of signing up for Obamacare, only applications were taken. Nobody has actually enrolled yet because the people behind the scenes are not trained yet to sell anything. The exchange received about 7,100 applications, however, and the Covered California website, as you know if you’ve tried it, is still experiencing some technical problems. Many say the system crashed when they tried to create an account or look for information. People calling for information as well, they say they had to wait thirty minutes or more. Remember if you don't have health insurance, ObamaCare forces you to buy health insurance by January 1st or pay a penalty to the IRS.” (KUSI-CA’s News At 11:00pm, 10/2/13)

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Only Four Consumers Enrolled In D.C.’s ObamaCare Exchange On Its First Day. “D.C. health link reported 3,356 accounts on the capital city’s exchange. Among them, 398 completed applications and four consumers completed enrollment, including payment.” (Tom Howell, Jr. “Buzz About ObamaCare Exposes Bugs In The System,” The Washington Times, 10/1/13)

FLORIDA: “Consumers Reported A Second Consecutive Day Of Technical Problems” That Locked Out Floridians. “South Florida consumers reported a second consecutive day of technical problems on Wednesday that locked them out of the online health insurance exchange on that is key to the Affordable Care Act.” (Evan S. Benn, Patricia Borns, and Daniel Chang, “Insurance Exchanges Woes Continue In Florida,” Miami Herald, 10/3/13)

GEORGIA: Some Georgians Are Still Not Able To Enroll Because Of ObamaCare Glitches. ANCHOR: “Well, new details this morning on the Obama administration’s health insurance exchange that started Tuesday. We checked back with April Bush, an enrollment specialist with the Primary Care of Southwest Georgia in Blakely. She told us bugs in the government’s website still have not been worked out and she still was not able to sign anyone up Wednesday. Open enrollment for the new health plans for uninsured Georgians began Tuesday and will last for six months.” (WALB-GA’s Today, 10/3/13)

LOUISIANA: “Louisiana’s Leading Health Insurance Company” Didn’t Have A Single Person Successfully Enroll In Its Health Plan Offered On The ObamaCare Exchange. “Louisiana’s leading health insurance company reports that not one person has yet successfully enrolled in a new health care plan offered through the Affordable Care Act.” (Rebecca Catalanello, “ObamaCare Website Glitches Leave Blue Cross Of Louisiana Without New Enrollees,” Times Picayune, 10/2/13)

On Day 2, Many Of Louisiana’s “Potential Customers Have Been Stalled On The” ObamaCare Website. “Louisiana’s leading health insurance company reports that not one person has yet successfully enrolled in a new health care plan offered through the Affordable Care Act. Since the marketplaces opened to much fanfare Tuesday (Oct. 1), many of the state’s potential customers have been stalled on the website, unable to move past the portion of that instructs them how to set up their profile.” (Rebecca Catalanello, “ObamaCare Website Glitches Leave Blue Cross Of Louisiana Without New Enrollees,” Times Picayune, 10/2/13)

MARYLAND: In Maryland “Tens Of Thousands” Have Visited The Health Care Exchange Site, But “Fewer Than 100 People So Far Have Actually Enrolled In A Health Plan.” “As Maryland’s new online marketplace for health insurance continues to have trouble handling a deluge of requests to set up accounts, state health officials are exploring alternative ways to create those accounts, the state’s health secretary said Wednesday. Dr. Joshua Sharfstein said tens of thousands have visited the site but fewer than 100 people so far have actually enrolled in a health plan through Maryland Health Connection.”(Brian Witte, “Md. Health Exchange Website Still Has Troubles,” The Associated Press, 10/2/13)

NEW YORK: New York Couldn’t “Provide Count Of How Many New Yorkers Signed Up.” “Albany officials couldn't immediately provide a count of how many New Yorkers signed up.” (Josh Dawsey, “New  York Health Insurance Exchange Launches,” Wall Street Journal, 10/3/13)

NORTH CAROLINA: “Blue Cross & Blue Shield Of North Carolina, For One, Said It Was Able To Enroll Only A Single Person …” “Blue Cross & Blue Shield of North Carolina, for one, said it was able to enroll only a single person in a subsidized health plan under the law by Wednesday afternoon.” (Timothy W. Martin, Christopher Weaver, and Arian Campo-Flores, “Health Insurance Website Still Sees Delays,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/2/13)

OREGON: Visitors To Oregon’s Exchange Were Unable To Apply. “Oregon’s exchange had 75,000 visitors, but with the state still working out some problems, it has postponed the ability to apply for coverage.”  (Abby Goodnough, Robert Pear and Richard Pérez-Peña, “Opening Rush To Insurance Market Runs Into Snags,” The New York Times, 10/1/13)

TENNESSEE: A Nashville, Tennessee Station Reported That No One Has Enrolled Through The ObamaCare Exchange. ANCHOR: “It’s day two of sign up under the Affordable Care Act and we’re hearing not a single person locally has been successful getting through to the new health insurance exchange. It seems to be a problem especially in states like Tennessee where the state opted out and left it up to the federal government to run what is essentially an online shopping site. Channel 4’s Nancy Amons has been digging for answers on these persistent problems, Nancy.” REPORTER: “Again as you just said, no one in Tennessee that I know of, according to the counselors I’ve talked to, have been able to successfully negotiate that federal website.” (WSMV-TN, 10/2/13)

The Obama Administration Continues To Hide Numbers From The Public

Insurers Are Being Kept In The Dark On Enrollment Numbers. “‘We don't know that we haven't enrolled anyone. We don't know that we have. We just haven't received any information,’ said J. Mario Molina, chief executive of Molina Healthcare Inc., an insurer participating in the exchanges in nine states. ‘I think it'll be a while before people actually enroll.’” (Timothy W. Martin, Christopher Weaver, and Arian Campo-Flores, “Health Insurance Website Still Sees Delays,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/2/13)


The Quirks “Could Deter People Who Are On The Fence About Buying Coverage—Especially Young, Healthy People Needed To Make The Law Work.” “Implementation of the law is expected to proceed even if the government partially shuts down because Congress fails to pass the necessary spending bills. But insurers, who are counting on the law to usher in new customers, say that even short-lived quirks could sour Americans on participating. That could deter people who are on the fence about buying coverage—especially young, healthy people needed to make the law work.” (Christopher Weaver, Timothy W. Martin, and Louis Radnofsky, “Health Law Hits Late Snags As Rollout Approaches,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/29/13)

ObamaCare Delays “Will Probably Fuel Perceptions That The Law Is Not Ready To Be Implemented.” “But it could give many people a false impression that they cannot afford coverage. And it will probably fuel perceptions that the law is not ready to be fully implemented.” (Lena H. Sun and Sandhya Somashekhar, “District’s Health Exchange Hits Major Snag But Will Still Open Oct. 1,” The Washington Post, 9/25/13)

“From A Political Standpoint, A Successful Opening Day Will Shape Perceptions Of Obama's Signature Policy Initiative.” (Sharon Begley, “Race To Get ObamaCare Online Sites Running Goes To The Wire,” Reuters, 9/28/13)

Political Analyst Larry Sabato: “They Have To Fix It, And Fast.” “‘They have to fix it, and fast,’ said Larry Sabato, a professor of politics at the University of Virginia. Continued glitches ‘will reinforce what the Republicans are saying about Obamacare.’” (Timothy W. Martin, Christopher Weaver, and Arian Campo-Flores, “Health Insurance Website Still Sees Delays,” The Wall Street Journal, 10/2/13)


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