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U.S. Senator: We don't need to defund Obamacare; it will collapse on its own

J.D. Heyes

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Sept. 27, 2013

(NaturalNews) A leading U.S. senator says there is no need to try to defund Obamacare, because he and other lawmakers believe that the law will simply collapse in on itself.

Senate Minority Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaking in the nation's capital after a historic filibuster-like speech against a continuing resolution measure by fellow Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, said he was certain that the Affordable Care Act had virtually no chance of success.

'I don't think this law can possibly stand'

"I think this law has no chance of working," he said in a meeting with the junior senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul, also a Republican. "I don't believe that even if we are unable to defund it here in the next few days that we're necessarily stuck with it.

"I think it's pretty safe to conclude: The things that can't work don't stick, don't last. Because we are, after all, a representative Democracy, the people can complain and discuss and tell us how they feel," he said.

"I don't think this law can possibly stand," he added. "It's pretty hard to predict exactly the day upon which it ends, but it's cracking."

McConnell and most other senators, Republicans and Democrats, did not join Cruz during his 21-hour floor speech Tuesday night. In it, Cruz called on Senate Republicans to hold the line against any funding for Obamacare. Indeed, for his failure to join his colleague, the Senate minority leader was hammered on social media like Twitter and Facebook, as conservatives around the country asked why he was absent and not supporting Cruz.

Later, McConnell asked Paul if he believed the law would collapse as well, and he said that yes, he believes it will.

"I think once the bills come due at the state level, you're going to have a real uproar on your hands," Paul, a physician, said, as reported by The Hill, which continued:

Paul argued that ObamaCare essentially requires millions of more people to sign up for health coverage, but said that would only drive up healthcare costs more and lead to rationed care. He said many doctors are not expected to take on additional patients seeking care.

Both senators agreed that Obamacare - which is already breaking down, by the way - is likely to leave 25-30 million Americans uninsured, which means the law won't do what its Democratic advocates, including the president, said it would do.

Indeed, Obamacare is already broken

Other leading Republican lawmakers and consultants have also said they believe the law will simply collapse as unworkable. But critics, including Cruz, say there's no history of that sort of thing happening to legislation passed into law by Congress. Essentially, they say, laws are passed and implemented, and the nation adjusts to what is required.

Still, the initial roll-out of Obamacare's called for health insurance exchanges has been disastrous so far. The D.C. health insurance exchange, for example, is broken; it won't be ready until mid-November, at the earliest.

And, as columnist and pundit Rich Lowry noted in mid-July:

It has become a trope among defenders of the law that its flaws are the fault of Republicans because they don't want to fix them. They must have seen their own peculiar version of School House Rock: The first step in making a law is jamming a 2,000-page bill down the opposition's throat. The second is whining that the opposition won't fix problems inherent in the bill jammed down their throats.

Obamacare is nothing more than GovernmentCare, and it is a disaster, period. Whether it collapses on its own, or is repealed, is of no consequence, as long as the massive bureaucracy it creates collapses with it.
