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Shock poll: 92% of federal workers don't want Obamacare

J.D. Heyes

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Sept. 20, 2013

(NaturalNews) There is a new political cartoon floating around the Internet that shows a beleaguered President Obama sitting at his desk with Russian President Vladimir Putin sticking his head in Obama's office as his secretary asks, "President Putin wants to know if you need help with Obamacare too."

The cartoon is mocking Obama's mishandling of the situation in Syria, but it is prescient in that our president certainly does need some help in "selling" Obamacare to the American people - most of whom continue to oppose it, not understand it, or both.

Add the vast majority of federal workers to that list.

According to a recent survey, as many as 92 percent of federal workers want no part of the president's signature piece of legislation. They, like most other Americans, are well aware that this job-killing turkey is going to destroy our healthcare system as we know it (and maybe that was their plan altogether).

Truth: Most Americans hate this law

From Merrill Matthews over at Forbes:

Who knew that when President Obama promised, "If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period," he was only referring to federal employees ... and himself?

A new survey of 2,500 federal employees and retirees found that 92.3 percent believe federal workers should keep their current health insurance and not be forced into Obamacare. Only 2.9 percent say they should become part of the new health insurance exchanges.

A website for federal employees,, which reported on the survey, adds:

There is apparently little debate among the federal workforce. Federal employees do not want to be part of the new system. Instead, they prefer to keep their current health plan... Employees who are already retired have a much stronger negative reaction to being moved to a new system. Those with more than 15 years until retirement are not as unanimous in their opposition to moving into the new health care exchanges.

The "exchanges," which are established by the Affordable Care Act, are still not functional in many states. Worse, most people have no idea how they're supposed to work. And finally, the more that Americans find out about how blatantly intrusive and punishing this massive law is, the more they want nothing to do with it.

And, of course, thanks to Obama, federal workers have been provided an exception, if you will, not an exemption. They still must take part in the new exchanges, but as notes, their participation will continue to be subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer:

Congress and Congressional staff do not have a choice but won't have to foot the bill of being in the new system. ... In effect, they will be leaving the federal employee health care program and going into the new system but with the federal government still picking up most of the cost just as is done under the federal employee program.

Why does this law still have so much support in Congress?

Add this to the fact that the IRS employees union has already said its members also want nothing to do with Obamacare - ironic, given that the Internal Revenue Service is charged with enforcing provisions of the law, such as ensuring that Americans buy health insurance, as I reported here: Ditto for other private-sector unions.

With each passing day - especially as the law's official kickoff date of Oct. 1 draws ever closer - more segments and demographics of American society are loudly proclaiming, "We don't want this law!"

So, why have so many lawmakers in Congress, as well as the president himself, continued to support and back it? Why are efforts to defund this disaster being met by so much resistance in the House and Senate - and the White House?

If your congressman and senator are still supporting Obamacare, maybe you ought to call and ask why.
