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Oct. 1 Deadline Looms for ObamaCare, Prepare Today


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Sept. 4, 2013

Despite all the claims of “delays” in key parts of ObamaCare, many of the most onerous provisions have remained on track — and soon will be implemented!

In fact, on Oct. 1, open enrollment will begin. With the so-called “individual mandate” going into effect at the beginning of 2014 millions of Americans will be impacted.

Worse, huge tax increases and fees are already hitting this year — impacting individuals and businesses. You will be affected!

Are you prepared for these?

Do you know the loopholes and strategies to deal with them and the rest of ObamaCare?

You probably didn’t know this, but just weeks ago, the Obama administration released another 75 pages of regulations for the massive healthcare law — all the fine print on who must buy health insurance and who is exempt.

For example, if you claim dependents on your tax return, you’ll pay the fine if they don’t have coverage.

The rules go on and on. But there are certain groups that will be exempt.

You need to be informed!

That’s why we’re recommending the ObamaCare Survival Guide.

It’s the “best guide” to the new law.

This #1 Amazon and New York Times best-seller explains all the rules, the hidden taxes and fees, and how you can best navigate through this massive change.

Donald Trump says the new ObamaCare Survival Guide is “terrific — a must-read for anyone who is worried about getting good healthcare for themselves or their employees."

More than half a million Americans have gotten this new book.

Make sure you are armed with it as well!

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