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May 16, 2013


Chronic degenerative illness has become a tidal wave sweeping to the farthest reaches of our planet. What is to blame? Will the human race even survive? There are many causes for our massive decline in health. Vaccines may play a role, chemicals in the environment and definitely our processed food supply and the deterioration of our soil , which supports all life. BUT...there is another huge factor that is being covered up and allowed to pass through the population while being ignored, under diagnosed,'s a TRAVESTY! It is reminiscent of the Tuskegee Study and may even be a continuation of that inhumane experiment on American citizens!

One HUGE inciting factor of chronic illness is Lyme disease and other co-infections which are also passed on by ticks and other insects. A doctor who treats chonic Lyme disease patients bravely speaks out exposing the horror of medical dictatorship involving tick borne disease. Read what he has to say at the link below and pass it on to anyone with chronic illness...even if you think their illness is unrelated to vector (insect) borne disease. WE need to start pointing fingers and demanding action!







World Wide Lyme Rally & Protest
Friday, May 10, 2013
Union Square
New York City
“Chronic Lyme disease does not exist”.
There are four possibilities to explain why a person might hold 
this view:
1.They can be ‘dumb as bags of rocks’. 
2. They can be character-disordered, with excessively rigid 
thinking, and perfect, impenetrable circular logic.
3. They can be corrupt.
4. They can be sociopaths.
One thing is for damn sure: they are truly lousy clinicians.
In 1991 the Lyme disease organism, Borrelia burgdorferi, was
 grown from the cerebrospinal fluid of my patient Vicki Logan at 
the Centers for Disease Control in Fort Collins, Colorado 
despite prior treatment with intravenous antibiotics.  Her case 
made the front page of the New York Times Science Times in 
August of 1993.
In 2012, the Embers Rhesus monkey study demonstrated 
conclusively in a primate model closest to man, that Lyme 
infection can persist despite application of intravenous 
antibiotics and that animals can be seronegative on antibody 
studies despite harboring persistent active infection.
Lyme disease is the first infectious disease of truly epidemic 
proportions that emerged hand in hand with another new 
phenomenon affecting the health of Americans: the penetration 
of managed care in to the health care market place.
An infection that can be chronic and require a long-term 
treatment approach does not fit the ‘business model’ of 
managed care: predictable premiums, predictable costs, 
predictable profit.  With managed care it became feasible to 
control costs by defining away the chronic infectious aspects of 
Lyme disease. 
The Infectious Diseases Society of America Clinical Practice 
Guidelines for Lyme Disease which appeared in 2000 and 2006, 
insist that chronic Lyme disease does not exist.   These 
guidelines have proven an effective tool for the health 
insurance industry to justify denial of reimbursement to 
patients for treatments that their doctors prescribe.
Health plans and insurers and hospitals red flagphysicians 
not conforming to IDSA guidelines for sanctioning and often 
report them to State Boards of Medical Practice to ‘break their 
knees’.  This cowardly and despicable ‘modus operandi’ is an 
assault on physicians’ most prized possession: professional 
autonomy and independent medical judgment.
 Hospitals, once proud and independent entities with 
endowments and a tradition of ‘charity care’ have been 
‘captured’ by the insurance industry and are now, often, little 
more than ‘corporate profit centers’.
Health plans do not want thinking, feeling professionals:  they 
want ‘trained monkeys’ on a ‘commoditized’ health care 
assembly line, following electronic medical record-prompted 
‘algorithms’ designed to maximize corporate profit.  
The Hippocratic Oath has now become a ‘quaint anachronism’ 
superseded by a new CorporateMedical Ethic.  “He who pays 
the piper calls the tune”.
IDSA guidelines also serve as a shield for medical neglect, 
protecting physicians who fail to diagnose or treat (or treat 
adequately) patients with chronic Lyme disease, who suffer 
irreversible neurologic injury as a result.
In 2008, Connecticut State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal 
undertook an investigation of the way in which the 2006 IDSA 
Lyme guidelines were developed and found significant flaws in 
the IDSA’s guideline development process and many 
undisclosed conflicts of interest. 
Attorney General Blumenthal opted to negotiate a settlement 
with the IDSA with the creation of a Lyme Disease Review Panel 
to revisit the IDSA guidelines. 
Unfortunately, all panel members were hand-picked by the IDSA 
and physicians earning more than $10,000/year caring for 
persons with Lyme disease were excluded from the panel.  As a 
result no physician who actually cared for persons with chronic 
Lyme disease served on the Lyme Review Panel. 
In retrospect, a negotiated settlement instead of litigation, was a 
strategic error because the review was under the complete 
control of the IDSA.  Consequently, no meaningful changes in 
the guidelines were recommended.  The fox was guarding the 
chicken coop!
However, Attorney General Blumenthal’s investigation and the 
presentations of evidence before the IDSA Lyme Disease 
Review Panel were of some utility.  When the Institute of 
Medicine brought forth its monograph on the development of 
trustworthy practice guidelines, it pointed to the IDSA Lyme 
Disease guidelines as an example of a guideline development 
process ‘gone awry’.
Raymond J. Dattwyler, signatory to the 2006 Lyme disease 
guidelines which assert that chronic Lyme disease does not 
exist states exactly the opposite in a United States patent that 
issued almost contemporaneously with the IDSA Guidelines. 
Allen C. Steere, signatory to the 2006 IDSA Lyme Disease 
Guidelines which declare chronic Lyme disease does not exist, 
states exactly the opposite in his published scientific articles 
and private letters.  He sought a correction when his first name 
was incorrectly listed in the 1993 Logan Science Times article 
as “Robert’ and advised the Times his opinion had been 
incompletely reported and requested it be clarified.  According 
to the Times correction: “he says that the small percentage of 
patients who have inflammation of the brain despite standard 
antibiotic treatment do have persistent infection.”
You cannot have it both ways!
When a physician signs on to a practice guideline that directly 
contradicts their position in their own published peer-reviewed 
journal articles, statements in the public record, private letters 
and in their own United States Patents, does that signify 
medical and scientific misconduct?
Additionally, Dr. Dattwyler served as an expert consultant to 
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield in its defense against the Logan 
lawsuit which sought to compel Empire to cover the cost of 
treatment for chronic Lyme disease.  This was not disclosed in 
the published IDSA 2006 Lyme guidelines.
Gary Wormser, lead IDSA Lyme guidelines author, quashed all 
abstracts on chronic Lyme disease from being accepted at the 
2002 International Lyme Conference at the Hyatt Hotel in New 
York City.  When I asked him if the conference was sponsored 
by the CDC, he adamantly denied it.  This was important 
because if it was known to be a CDC-sponsored event it might 
have been possible for legislators to intervene to open up the 
Dr. Wormser either did not know that the event was CDC-
sponsored (which seems highly implausible) or he chose to 
conceal that fact from me.  Materials distributed at the time of 
the conference showed the event was, in fact, CDC-sponsored.  
During the conference, whenever attendees attempted to bring 
up the issue of chronic Lyme disease, they were censored, and 
microphones were shut off so their challenges could not be 
When a physician acts in a way to suppress expression of 
opposing views in a government-sponsored international 
scientific conference, does that constitute an abuse of power?  
Does it constitute medical and scientific misconduct?
Honestscience does not need to suppress opposing views.
Vicki Logan and other patients sued Empire Blue Cross Blue 
Shield to cover the cost of needed treatment.  The case was 
settled out of court with terms that were confidential.  Whatever 
the settlement was, it did not include Vicki’s right to be 
reimbursed for the cost of intravenous antibiotic therapy, which 
she needed.
During the litigation, a deposition under oath was taken by 
Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield Senior Vice President Richard 
Sanchez, M.D.  He testified that Empire’s accountants, Deloitte 
& Touche, advised Empire that their review physicians needed 
to issue more denials in order to increase its profitability.  
Empire was transitioning from a not for profit to a for profit 
entity.  They raised the bar to make it more difficult for patients 
with costly conditions, such as Lyme disease, to get 
reimbursement for treatment.  His testimony indicated that 
Empire senior personnel knew that some patients who actually 
had Lyme disease would be denied treatment and that some 
would suffer as a result.  He said it was ‘rationalized’ that 
patients could appeal their denials and that that was a way that 
Empire physicians could ‘sleep at night’.   But he also 
acknowledged that some patients might be unable to negotiate 
the tortuous appeals process and might ‘fall by the wayside’ 
and might sustain irreversible injury as a result. 
Empire Blue Cross & Blue Shield ultimately did transition to a 
‘for profit’ entity.  Empire executives got ‘golden parachutes’ 
worth hundreds of millions of dollars in personal profit.  Vicki 
Logan got a ‘handbasket to hell’.
When patients suffer, deteriorate neurologically and die due to 
corporate decisions, who is responsible?  Is there impunity?  Or 
is there a penalty?
There’s the case of a 6 year-old Fairfield County, Connecticut 
child whose mother pleaded with her pediatrician to treat for a 
fully engorged deer tick attachment on the side of her neck 
Spring of 1995.  The pediatrician refused.  Flu-like symptoms 
developed that summer, and headache, stiff neck and swelling 
of the glands draining the tick bite site developed in the Fall. 
Personality change, hypersomnolence and later, status 
epilepticus developed.  Seizures were so severe that 
pentobarbital coma was required to control them.  She came 
under the care of Charles Ray Jones, MD, who referred her to 
me for a spinal tap.  At the time of the tap, Lyme Western blot in 
serum at Stony Brook showed 4/5 CDC-specific IgG bands, but 
her ELISA screening test was negative.
Dr. Jones treated her with intravenous antibiotics.  Although 
she had sustained a degree of irreversible neurologic injury 
from her illness, she was making good progress on IV 
antibiotics for several months.  Intracorp’s review physician 
refused to authorize reimbursement to the family for 
continuation of intravenous antibiotics even though she was 
still improving.  After cessation of intravenous antibiotics, 
intractable status epilepticus recurred, she was admitted to a 
tertiary care hospital and died within one month.  An autopsy 
was performed.  Both Dr. Charles Ray Jones and I 
independently telephoned the health officer charged with Lyme 
disease epidemiology for the Connecticut Department of Public 
Health, pleading with him to take the case.  The purpose of our 
request was not to punish any physician, but to learn from the 
case.  His response to me was:  “Well…..what evidence was 
there, really, that this child had Lyme disease?”  and declined 
to accept the case.
So, you take the one physician in Connecticut who cares for all 
the children sick with chronic Lyme disease who has never 
harmed a child, but only helped, and put him through an 
attempted public crucifixion.   And the court allows pediatrician 
John Senechal, who expressed vituperative malice towards Dr. 
Jones, to sit on the Committee determining Dr. Jones’ fate?
But when a physician fails to treat a child with an engorged deer 
tick bite despite a mother’s plea and fails to recognize  Lyme 
disease when the child becomes ill including status epilepticus  
and the child dies within 30 days of discontinuance of IV 
antibiotics made necessary by the decision of an insurance 
company review physician, and two physicians report the case 
to the Connecticut Department of Public Health, you DON’T 
What is wrongwith this picture?
I call on Dr. Jewel Mullen, Commissioner of the Connecticut 
Department of Public Health, to investigate this case now and 
determine why there was a failure to investigate it in 1997.
I call on Connecticut Governor Dannel Molloy to direct the 
Department of Public Health to disclose how many hundreds of 
thousands of taxpayers’ dollars have been wasted by the 
Connecticut Medical Examining Board’s attempt to burn Dr. 
Charles Ray Jones at the stake.  Bring this travesty of justice to 
an end!
In 2005 a memorandum of understanding with the New York 
State Department of Health’s Office of Professional Medical 
Conduct (OPMC) was reached through the efforts of 
Assemblymen Joel Miller and Adam Bradley and 
Assemblywoman Nettie Meyersohn in conjunction with 
Governor Pataki’s Chief Counsel, not to investigate physicians 
merely because they held a minority opinion concerning 
diagnosis and treatment of Lyme disease. 
Recently, in New York State, six physicians who care for 
persons with chronic Lyme disease have been simultaneously 
under investigation by the OPMC.  What message does this 
send to other physicians?  What implications does this have for  
persons with chronic Lyme disease to access proper care 
within the State of New York and elsewhere?
If nothing else, it indicates that a memorandum of 
understanding is inadequate to protect physicians and the 
patients with chronic Lyme disease who depend on them for 
Force of law is necessary to accomplish this, and to compel 
insurers to pay for treatment their physicians have determined 
is medically necessary for this condition. 
Legislation containing some or all of these elements has been 
passed or is currently under consideration in a number of 
States.   Insurers can never be trusted to do the right thing for 
patients with chronic Lyme disease.
  Such decisions must be taken out of the hands of the 
insurance industry. 
Then, there’s the case of Jennifer Lilly.  She sustained a tick 
bite while in western New Jersey, followed by a classic Bull’s 
Eye rash, and severe headache.  She was told by a succession 
of physicians she 
could not have Lyme disease because her screening tests for 
Lyme disease were negative and she received no treatment 
during the first three years of her illness.  When I saw her, I 
diagnosed Lyme disease based on her history and instituted 
treatment at her initial visit.  Her Lyme ELISA at SUNY Stony 
Brook was still negative, but her IgM and IgG Western blots 
were fully diagnostic.  Most likely because of the delay in her 
diagnosis, lesions were evident on an MRI of her brain and this 
formerly highly productive woman has had to seek disability.
When the Frederick County, Maryland Department of Health 
contacted me to complete a Lyme disease reporting form, I 
decided to accompany it with a detailed letter which I copied to 
Dr. Thomas Frieden, former New York City Health 
Commissioner, and now Director of the Centers for Disease 
Control, since Jennifer’s case was a glaring example of the 
deficiencies of the two-tiered system of Lyme disease testing 
recommended by the CDC and responsible for so much patient 
suffering.  Dr. Frieden never personally responded to my letter.
Presently we have underway a vast, de facto nation- and world-
wide “Tuskegee Experiment” of untreated or under-treated 
chronic Lyme disease.
Neither the United States Public Health Service, predecessor to 
the CDC, nor the medical profession brought the Tuskegee 
Experiment to a halt.  Senator Edward Kennedy’s hearings held 
in 1972 ended that shameful episode.  Moral  force brought the 
ignominious Tuskegee Experiment to an end.
In the year 2000, due to fortuitous circumstances, and 
unbeknownst to Dr. Dattwyler, I gained access to CDC-funded 
experimental methods in his research laboratory for more than 
140 specimens of frozen cerebrospinal fluid on my patients.  
Whereas only 2% of specimens tested positive on standard 
spinal fluid tests, some 62 % of specimens tested positive on 
one or more of the four experimental assays used.
  Ironically, Vicki Logan’s CSF tested more than 7 times higher 
than the positive cut-off for detection of Outer surface protein C 
antigen, in the very laboratory of Empire Blue Cross & Blue 
Shield’s own expert consultant.
I asked Laboratory Supervisor, Priscilla Munoz, how they knew 
these methods were valid.  She replied that the three 
collaborating research laboratories shared aliquots of samples 
and found excellent reproducibility between the three labs.
The results of these CDC-funded studies on direct detection of 
OspA and OspC antigen and IgG and IgM borrelia-specific 
immune complexes in spinal fluid have never been published.
Why not?  Did someone at CDC “deep six” the results of this 
research project?  If so, who made this decision, and why?
I demand the “raw data” from these CDC-funded research 
studies, which have never seen the light of day, be made public 
Thomas Frieden, as Director of CDC can ‘set the tone’ for the 
agency.   I call on him, to ‘step up to the plate’ and fix the mess 
created by CDC.  Dr. Frieden can ‘redeem’ the reputation of  
CDC, which is composed of fine physicians and scientists.  
Dissociate CDC from the disgraced IDSA Lyme disease 
guidelines.  Otherwise, step down!
I call on NYS Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to undertake 
an additional, independent, in depth and far reaching 
investigation with subpoena power and testimony under oath, 
of the 2006 IDSA Lyme Disease Guidelines and of the health  
insurance industry, in order to determine whether or not, in the 
matter of chronic and seronegative Lyme disease, there has 
been collusion to perpetrate a premeditated, systematic and 
pervasive health care fraud upon the citizens of New York State 
he has a sworn duty to protect.   
Has anyone here been shafted by MEDCO???  Investigate 
MEDCO!!!  When there exist two schools of thought, you 
endorse only that school of thought that maximizes short term 
profit, regardless of individual patient circumstances or the 
suffering that it causes?
Remember A.I.D.S.?  Persons with H.I.V. were abused, despised 
and neglected until ACT-UP-activists threw blood on the steps 
of St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Only then did things begin to change. Because of that activism, 
$2 billion/year has been expended on A.I.D.S. research and 
treatment over the past several decades and real progress has 
been made. 
Contrast that with some $20 million/year spent on Lyme disease 
by the Federal government.  Why are resources commensurate 
with the threat posed by Lyme disease not being allocated? 
Start funding to the tune of
$2 billion /year for Lyme and tick-borne diseases and, trust me, 
you’ll see progress!
Federal funds should not be squandered further on those who 
are ideologically committed to the false proposition that chronic 
Lyme disease does not exist.
Paul Starr, who graduated Columbia College a year ahead of 
me, correctly predicted the ‘coming of the corporation’ in his 
prescient book “The Social Transformation of American 
 But Starr also commented that the future of American Medicine 
is ours to shape by the choices that we make.
Patients have the Power.  But, they must be unitedand not 
squabbling with one another.  They must be pro-active, militant 
and resolute. 
There are lots of things patients can do.  They can write to their 
State Assemblypersons and State Senators.  They can MEET 
with their State Assemblypersons and State Senators.  They can 
do the same with their U.S. Congress-persons & Senators
& their states’ Governors. 
They can write to Connecticut Governor Molloy and tell him to
“call off the dogs”!
They can write to Attorney General Schneiderman with details of 
their cases and how they have been mistreated by insurers 
girded by IDSA guidelines that are scientifically, therapeutically 
and morally bankrupt and which endorse  and enable medical 
neglect as a ‘standard of care’ for persons with chronic Lyme 
They can write to Governor Cuomo, President Obama and First 
Lady Michelle Obama, persons of conscience and compassion
urging them to act.
Sometimes, a little ‘rebellion’ is 
Thank you for your attention.

Kenneth B. Liegner, M.D.