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Now even doctors don't trust their own hospitals: Study finds nearly 40% of health service workers would NOT recommend own workplace to friends or family

Daily Mail Reporter

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Feb. 28, 2013

  • Department of Health surveyed 101,000 doctors, nurses and paramedics
  • One quarter said they had been harassed or bullied in the past 12 months
  • 38 per cent suffered work-related stress and 15 per cent bullied by patients


Nearly 40 per cent of doctors would not recommend their own hospital to friends or family, startling new figures reveal.

A further one in three do not believe NHS managers act on the concerns of patients.

The Department of Health’s own survey also found that a third of NHS staff had witnessed medical blunders or near misses at least once in the last month.

The North Cumbria University Hospitals Trust, which runs Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle and the West Cumberland Hospital in Whitehaven, was the worst ranked of all the trusts surveyed.

Just 35 per cent of staff would recommend treatment to their friends of family.

The trust is among several being investigated for high death rates by Sir Bruce Keogh, the medical director of the NHS.

Croydon Health Services, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals and Weston Area Health were also among the poor performers.

And Mid Staffordshire NHS trust, which was yesterday facing administration by regulators, also continues to perform poorly, according to the survey.

Only 59 per cent of staff said they would recommend treatment to family and friends.

The poll also revealed that nearly a quarter of workers had been harassed or bullied by other colleagues over the past 12 months.

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