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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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FW:  Jan. 10, 2013

 Originally published July 13, 2012

(NaturalNews) As I sat here watching "Pregnant in America," at first I was gradually becoming stirred up, and then it dawned on me like an explosion that children, mothers, and fathers are getting the shortest end possible of the American Birth System's stick. This is a documentary that is based on solid, yet swept-under-the-rug, scientific evidence and actual events. The film's message, which is delivered by the world's top experts on pregnancy and birth, is presented in a logical order, and it makes for a complete must-see here:


The must-see goes not only for pregnant mothers and fathers but for people who prioritize natural well-being and having sovereignty over our lives.


After seeing, "Pregnant in America," I now wield powerful information, starting with statistics on the mortality rates of mothers that are intentionally falsified by drug and insurance cartels. I also now know the psychological tricks used to take advantage of mothers and force them to deliver by induction with specific dangerous drugs.


To be pregnant in America is now to face the human-made dangers of this system. As a caring person touched by the miracles of all births, like the ones we witness in "Pregnant in America," I'm not taking the dangers that mothers are subjected to very calmly right now.


Thanks to the intrepid filmmakers, who actually are pregnant, and at one point, delivering, while they make this film, I have learned quite a bit. I know how well-funded the engine is which tries to create ignorance about the complex flow of hormones that characterize a healthy natural pregnancy and birth. Many women and families are being sold lies, including being told that nature can be routinely replaced with induction. This is just one myth that is revealed and corrected through this film.


In this 1 hour, 48 minute documentary, you will also be richly informed of natural, healthy means of giving birth. These ways are dangerously close to being lost in America, as the birth system continually sweeps them out of sight, though the ways that midwives and others know are as enduring as humanity itself.


Factually, Those Who Make Dosing Errors Are Baby-Killers

Another dimension I got from "Pregnant in America" is that I do not stand idly by while the rising number of dosing errors kill more mothers and babies. What citizen, man or woman, would? When you see "Pregnant in America":



  • You will meet dozens of mothers and fathers who share true horror stories of "hurry, rush, and pressure" from the delivery staff.?



  • You will see the parents' surprising and life-changing discoveries, as they look thoroughly at how birth is done around the whole world.



  • You will get to see a nourishing perspective on birth as a natural event, rich with benefits to mother and baby. Many of these benefits are, unfortunately, being increasingly denied to both mothers and children by the societal emphasis on the pain of birth.



  • You will get inside interviews with birth experts Dr. Tom Kreuning, OB/GYN, and Certified Professional Midwife, Ina May Gaskin, Joel Evans, MD, Professional Doula Lillianna Lammers, Dr. Michel Odent, MD, OB/GYN, Barbara Harper, RN, Dr. Stephanie Mines, Joel Evans, OB/GYN, as well as Joseph Chilton Pearce, Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Dr. Marsden Wagner, Elizabeth Maish, RN, MSN, Chief Nursing Officer of Tucson Medical Center, and many others.



  • You'll also see astonishing, shameful contortions, omissions, and admissions from representatives from insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, and medical supply houses.



  • You will meet birth activists who are healthcare professional speaking out.



  • You will join me in an opportunity to celebrate qualified midwives, home-birthers, water-birthers. These are professionals who earn the life-long appreciation of the families who work with them, and oftentimes, start with them.



Born Into the Medical System to Run On Its Hamster Wheel, from First Breath to Last?

In "Pregnant in America," you will see how the American birth system's focus on cold efficiency contrasts with natural birth alternatives. One outstanding take-home message from the documentary reflects the nature of the birth event itself: life is calling for us to be unique human beings and get ourselves free from the numbing everyday routine that the system attempts to reduce us to. This freedom and characteristic uniqueness is nowhere more obvious to see than in the moment of birth.


From watching "Pregnant In America," I got another philosophical insight. To be part of the moment of birth is certainly a to be part of unique event, and going into natural delivery is about as wild and as far a departure from the systematized routine as you can imagine. So, natural birth is truly an inspiration to us to liberate ourselves from so-called "existence as a medical case" that we have been been conditioned to from our very first breath.


To see more, click here -


"Pregnant in America" valiantly sounds the alarm bells that we have been routinized into the medical system's wheel of a life and death ruled by bureaucratic efficiency and fear-mongering (which is great for drug companies). This has gotten to the point that the well-meaning man on the street, as shown in "Pregnant in America," thinks birthing in a hospital is a no-brainer. These interviewed men think that medicalized, hospitalized birth is morally imperative 'for the sake of the protection of women.' Although this may seem well-intentioned and innocent, "Pregnant In America" shows how badly the majority of America are misled and betrayed!


As I see it, "Pregnant in America" calls us to see the light by "crowning our heads out of our birth canal from ignorance into awareness."


"Pregnant in America" will deliver startling new knowledge to you. You will hear experts and parents share a new and ancient truth: that rather than drugs and sterility, the truth is a sunbeam, warm water, and the fresh air of a home or the natural environment can be a place where nature joins with a woman and a baby's body to make possible the natural way of birth.




The Predictable Result of Slighting Nature Is that the USA Is at the Bottom

America has become second-to-last among all industrialized nations in infant mortality.


In contrast to a baby's birth, which put's nature's endless living complexity on display, the US's system of control, profit, and greed is trying to fit birth into itself. Wake up! This will never work. Natural complexity and the cry for the freedom to be born and live cannot be subjugated by simple power-grabbing motivations!


I have said things will get worse on planet Earth as our "stupidity debt" comes crashing down, but I have also said in the final and long view I am optimistic.


You can see that this long view of eventual optimism is a bit like birth itself. Restoring our natural, free, and sovereign way will require the patience to be with reality as it is, including contractions that will sometimes shake and warp the Earth. Yet, if we keep one eye on the unbelievably bright, regenerative future of liberty and health that we are committed to giving birth to, it is possible to bring it about.


"Pregnant In America" elucidates how increased prevalence of natural birth would help rebirth human respect for natural health and freedom. So if you are going to having a baby, or if you care about survival of humanity in a natural and free way of life, see this film: