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The Cutting Stop With You

Georganne Chapin - Executive Director, Intact America

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Dec. 18, 2012

No one ever wishes you a "painful New Year," but that’s exactly what’s in store for one million babies who will be tied down and surgically altered this year... never to be whole again.


As news pours in from around the globe, it’s clear the American medical establishment is shockingly out of step with the rest of the world when it comes to ending circumcision.


  • Denmark is investigating whether non-medical circumcision violates its health code.
  • Germany’s professional association of pediatricians has issued an official statement against the non-therapeutic circumcision of children.
  • Hospitals in Austria and Switzerland have suspended all medically unnecessary infant circumcisions.

DEADLINE EXTENDED: The $25,000 matching gift deadline is now January 15! Donate today and help us take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.

Donate Today!


No medical society in the world recommends the practice, and yet, newborn male circumcision is still the most common surgical procedure in the U.S.

Your tax-deductible gift today will help keep the pressure on the American Academy of Pediatrics to join the rest of the world in condemning circumcision for the human rights violation that it is.

Thanks to your support—which makes our powerful outreach and advocacy efforts possible—thousands of parents, doctors, and ethicists are changing their minds about circumcision.

And your gift will continue to spread the truth. Read the powerful message below from a fellow Intact America supporter.

Until the cutting stops forever, we will continue to fight every day, changing one mind—and saving one baby—at a time. Please donate now.

In solidarity and with deepest gratitude,

Georganne Chapin

Executive Director, Intact America

P.S. I urge you to read this firsthand account of how powerful your gift can be:

"Dear Intact America,

I live in the Middle East and want to share my story with you. I'm part of a large online group of local mothers from many different countries. Some mothers were asking questions about baby circumcision and one asked if it was 'too late' to get her 3-year-old son circumcised.

I knew I had to add your ‘Myths and Facts’ guide to the discussion. That sparked a conversation I'm very thankful I had—one that crossed cultural and religious barriers in a respectful, informative way.

In the end, the mother decided NOT to do it and thanked me for the information.

I felt prepared and empowered to take action only because of Intact America. I so appreciate your efforts, and the resources and information you provide. I've learned so much from you, and in turn, I’m able to teach others. Thank you!


Elizabeth H."