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Mother goes to court after fleeing with seven-year-old son to avoid forced cancer treatment

Jonathan Benson, staff writer

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Dec. 13, 20 12


(NaturalNews) When 37-year-old Sally Roberts of New Zealand was told recently by the court system that her seven-year-old son Neon would have to undergo radiotherapy following the successful removal of a tumor in the young boy's brain, she did what any mother who knew about the serious risks involved, and yet loved her son dearly, would do under the circumstances -- she fled to avoid the forced treatment. However, after eventually being found and going to court, Roberts has apparently now been convinced by authorities to let cancer doctors fry her son's brain, should new tests confirm that he "needs" the procedure to "save his life."


It is another classic case of government bureaucrats superseding parental authority in making medical decisions for children, except this time the incident is taking place in the U.K., where healthcare is completely controlled and mandated by the ruling class. And for Roberts, this means being forced to take the advice of government-funded doctors who have decided that young Neon, whose tumor was completely eliminated through surgery, must undergo an intense treatment regimen of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the latter of which would basically "fry the (child's) whole brain."


Concerned about her son's long-term health, Roberts initially tried to refuse the treatment, citing the fact that Neon was doing just fine following his surgery, and had strong artistic talents that she did not want to destroy by microwaving the boy's head in the name of post-treating cancer. And when authorities tried to override her sovereign decision to protect her son from the almost definite brain damage that would result from radiotherapy, she panicked and tried to flee the area for his protection.


"He is not a sick boy, as has been written about him," explained Roberts to reporters. "I feel that if we go ahead with the radiotherapy we could be depriving him of his talents. When I questioned why they couldn't target only the area where the tumor was, [the doctor] replied, 'You have to fry the whole brain.' I didn't feel Neon was being treated as an individual, but that the medical advice I was getting was based on a blanket policy."


When the government controls healthcare, it also decides who will be forcibly treated

And yet this is exactly the type of nightmare scenario that becomes commonplace once the government seizes control of healthcare. Sure, everyone gets coverage, which is collectively paid for by the hardest working and highest earning members of society, but the consequence is that so-called "care" becomes completely standardized, and individuals are eventually forced to accept the one-size-fits-all conventional treatments that are decided for them, with no real personal choice in the matter.


After appearing at the High Court for a recent hearing, Roberts indicated that she would likely end up agreeing to the radiotherapy treatment if advised, stating, "I don't think I will have a choice" in the matter. At the same time; however, the presiding judge in the case, Mr. Justice Bodey, canceled the previous high court's ruling that Neon be treated with radiotherapy, citing new developments in the case. Another hearing will take place on December 18, in which further evidence from Roberts will be presented.


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