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ObamaCare Avalanche - How to Survive It


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Dec. 7, 2012


Dear Newsmax Reader,

Here comes the avalanche of ObamaCare.

Millions of your fellow Americans are worried as ObamaCare’s massive and radical changes begin to take hold.

Here’s what’s happening right now:

Businesses are cutting employee hours and dropping coverage

States are scrambling to set up the federally mandated insurance exchanges

Financial planners and accountants are besieged by their frantic clients

The Internal Revenue Service issued 159 pages of new tax law that will affect high-income individuals and couples

Medicare recipients are desperately trying to hold onto their benefits

The makers of medical devices — from pacemakers to prosthetics — feel forced to raise prices

Americans with pre-existing conditions are sacrificing treatment due to flexible-spending-account limits

And so much more!

ObamaCare will impact your life — the only question is how.

Fortunately, help has arrived and it’s the ultimate ObamaCare solution.

We have prepared a short video to give you more information on ObamaCare. It’s critical that you know as much as you can about ObamaCare; your good health depends upon that.

Keep reading below or to Watch the Free Video on ObamaCare Go Here Now

The massive new healthcare law dubbed “ObamaCare” is set to take full force in the next 12 to 18 months.

Are you prepared for its sweeping changes to your healthcare and how it will affect individuals, seniors, small business, doctors and medical professionals and almost all Americans?

As a matter of fact, ObamaCare’s numerous provisions will soon alter:

• How much you pay for your health insurance, your medical treatment, and your prescription drugs . . .

• The type and quality of healthcare you can expect to get in the near future . . .

• Even your ability to get in to see your own doctor (or any healthcare provider, for that matter) . . .

In fact, ObamaCare adds more than 30 million Americans to the healthcare rolls.

The program will be a massive tidal wave and experts says it may even cause doctor and nurse shortages.

And one study found that up to 40% of doctors are leaving practices due to the punitive regulations under ObamaCare.

You could be facing health-threatening delays just to visit a doctor, as well as potentially substandard treatment — if you’re not careful.

Plus, seniors in particular can expect alarming cuts to their Medicare benefits.

That’s because ObamaCare literally robs Peter to pay Paul by cutting $716 billion from Medicare over the next decade to fund other services under Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

Worse, the law puts Medicaid on parity with Medicare, a fact that will likely weaken Medicare!

Given the election results, it is critical you “be prepared” for these imminent changes – and plan on how to navigate the new law.

Those who don’t prepare could be hit very hard.

Right now, millions of Americans are desperately scrambling for answers as the unsettling policies of ObamaCare begin to take hold.

But don’t worry — Newsmax has you covered . . . Due to the urgent nature of this situation, Newsmax has just created a free informational video about ObamaCare you must view at once. This video will help you and your loved ones survive these looming and perilous healthcare changes. We encourage every American to watch this video at least once.

In this video, you’ll discover how you can thrive under the new rules of ObamaCare — whether you are a retired senior or a small business owner, whether you are unemployed or a middle-class wage-earner, and whether you are healthy or have one or more pre-existing medical conditions.

This situation is urgent, so click here right now to see the video —

survive and thrive under ObamaCare’s coming changes!

ObamaCare will complicate your ability to receive quality healthcare. In fact, it will degrade the quality of your healthcare if you are not prepared.

Please take just a minute to check out this no-cost educational video, which will help you navigate these changes and use ObamaCare’s provisions for your benefit — and not your detriment.

To your continued high-quality healthcare,

Travis Davis

Newsmax Health Publisher

P.S. ObamaCare is here to stay, at least for the next few years. Click here now to make the most of your rights to first-rate, affordable healthcare under ObamaCare!