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Academy of Pediatrics Push Abortion Pill For Teens Without Parental Consent

Susanne Posel Occupy Corporatism

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Nov. 28, 2012

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) relayed in a new policy statement that doctors should begin giving teenagers the abortion pill Plan B, Next Choice and many others for “emergency birth control as part of an overall strategy to reduce teen pregnancy.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), teen pregnancies have drastically declined, yet eugenicists in the AAP are decrying that the population must be further controlled.

The UN claims that Russia and China are still at astronomical birth rates that are 5 times what is deemed socially acceptable.

Dr. Cora Breuner, physician at Seattle Children’s Hospital, explains that these unwanted pregnancies are “tragic . . . we really can do better. By providing more education and improving access to contraception and more education about family planning, we can do better.”

Breuner believes that giving teenagers that suffer from behavior problems or come from low-income families are more likely to be truant and engage in early sexual activity. By making the Plan B abortion pill available to these teenagers, they can prevent more unwanted pregnancies.

Many doctors do not prescribe contraceptives “for patients a head of time” however, the new AAP policy paper demands that this practice become a new mode of operations within the medical community.

The Emergency Contraception Website, funded by the globalist-supported Princeton University, calls for the unbridled use of the abortion pill to ensure that it is “less likely” that teenagers become pregnant. Giving doctors the go-ahead to prescribe the morning after pill will alleviate the necessity of parental consent which essentially allows the medical community to medicate teenagers without legal ramifications because parents now have no legal recourse.

Eugenicists are concerned about the ability US citizens to procreate as evidenced in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention new report that states there is a palatable decline in abortions according to surveillance data.

The CDC report recounts: “Despite these multiple influences, given that unintended pregnancy precedes nearly all abortions, efforts to reduce the incidence of abortion need to focus on helping women avoid pregnancies that they do not desire. Providing women and men with the knowledge and resources necessary to make decisions about their sexual behavior and use of contraception can help them avoid unintended pregnancies.”

A Planned Parenthood in Florida offered holiday discounts to get residents to come into their clinic and have abortions performed. They offered a savings coupon of $10 off their current visit and $5 off their emergency contraception purchase between 10am and 2pm with the use of coupon code: emergency.

In Orlando, Florida, a Planned Parenthood gave out $50 off for abortion services on Sundays; while still enticing customers with a $5 off non-surgical abortions – such as the morning after pill.

Planned Parenthood supports the AAP’s new policy to make the abortion pill more accessible to teenagers without the need for parental knowledge or consent and urges its nationwide facilities to pressure President Obama to make this a federal mandate.

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) want birth control pills to be sold over-the-counter (OTC) because it would make the goal of fully accessible contraception “more achievable”.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued guidelines back in March that required all college age women have access to sterilization procedures . . . for free. The IOM have been preforming a covert part in endorsing the “benefits” of American government run medical care and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

IOM made this announcement just prior to private insurance companies requiring provisions for contraceptive services (i.e. sterilization) to patients as mandated by Obamacare. These sterilization guidelines will apply to all women between the ages of 18-34, regardless of college enrollment. All private and government run health plans will carry this provision.

Published in the Federal Register, IOM wrote this mandate themselves. HHS dictated the literal language used in the requirement. HHS justified their new law, saying “the HRSA (Health Resources and Services Administration) Guidelines require coverage, without cost sharing, for ‘[a]ll Food and Drug Administration [(FDA)] approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for all women with reproductive capacity,’ as prescribed by a provider.”

Hidden in Obamacare is the provision to allow doctors to sterilize children as young as 15 for free regardless of parental consent. Thanks to Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), that regulation was finalized and put into effect.

Under Section 2713 of Obamacare, there is a vague requirement that healthcare insurance provide for “additional preventive services” to women. These preventive services, as defined by the HHS, are a clear reference to sterilization.

The Guttmacher Institute asserts that parental involvement in minor decisions is not necessary – therefore if the child wants to consent to sterilization, they should be legally allowed to do so. This institution headed by eugenicists expects to see dramatic drops in fertility rates which are the goal of these eugenics institutions.