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Matt Haws, Campaign for Liberty

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June 28, 2012

This morning, the Supreme Court released its long-awaited ruling on ObamaCare.


Unfortunately, Chief Justice John Roberts tipped the scales to officially uphold the vast majority of the health care law.


While the Court rejected Congress having the power to enforce the individual mandate under the Commerce Clause, it upheld the mandate as a tax.


This means that not only can Congress take your hard-earned dollars to fund its out-of-control agenda, but it can also tax you for doing nothing.


We’re still learning more as further details and analysis emerge.


But one silver lining seems to be that our efforts on the state level to prevent the implementation of ObamaCare’s health exchanges could get a boost, as the Court is preventing the federal government from forcing the states to either implement the law or lose Medicaid funding.


The decision by a Bush-appointee to join the Court's left-wing in holding up the individual mandate is being described as a political victory for Obama.


Perhaps.  But it’s clear the real losers are the American people.


And in one of the most dramatic expansions of federal government power in decades, both parties can claim credit.


The hated individual mandate in ObamaCare has been pushed by members of BOTH parties.


And now it’s been upheld by a Republican-appointed Supreme Court Justice.


So what now?


Since both parties haven’t hesitated to work to increase government’s power, C4L’s grassroots activists must keep up the pressure to make sure that any repeal efforts – which are guaranteed to come – aren’t just ObamaCare by another name.


Simply put, you and I must continue an uncompromising fight for health freedom.


Regardless of what the Court says about government forcing the American people to purchase a particular product, it doesn’t make such action right.


Health care costs have skyrocketed, especially in recent years, due to relentless government interference.


And now that interference will increase more than ever before.


But so will the intensity of our opposition, as more people outraged by a government that has abandoned the Constitution take a stand.


So it’s critical you and I not only refuse to back down, but redouble our resolve to act.


It’s time to return to basics, get the government out of the way, and allow a true free market in health care.


Let Americans purchase health insurance across state lines – and get rid of the “tax” that forces them to carry coverage.


Stop government attacks on alternative treatments and supplements.


Lower taxes, rein in the Federal Reserve, and cut spending so we not only get to keep more of our money to use on necessities like health care, but so those dollars will go further.


These are just a few of the options we can pursue instead of allowing government to grow ever bigger and make another problem it helped create even worse.


Campaign for Liberty will continue its fight to advance health freedom on both the national and state levels, so I hope you will help us if you can with whatever you are able to give today.


Never allow any government decision - be it a Court opinion or legislation - to discourage your commitment to fighting for liberty.


Every day brings its own set of challenges, but the principles of freedom remain as true, powerful, and worth championing as ever!


In Liberty,

Matt Hawes

Vice President


P.S. Unfortunately, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts joined the Court’s left-leaning justices to uphold the vast majority of ObamaCare, including ruling that the individual mandate could be enforced as a tax.


So our battle continues!


The American people should be free to make their own health care decisions, and Campaign for Liberty will continue its work to advance health freedom on both the national and state levels.


So if you’re able, I hope you’ll contribute whatever you can today to help us carry the banner of free market, liberty-based solutions in the continuing debate over health care.