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Is this the eve of destruction?

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

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On the eve of the release of the Supreme Court ruling on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care law, also known as ObamaCare, it is my prayer that tomorrow the so-called healthcare “reform” law is ruled unconstitutional and stricken from the laws of our nation.  Please see my update below – Mat.

Liberal “progressives” and their publicists in the mainstream media like to say that ObamaCare is the President’s “landmark piece of legislation” and the “crowning achievement” of his first term in office (assuming, as they do, that he will win a second term).

We have said from day one, from the day ObamaCare was first proposed in Congress, and later, when Liberty Counsel filed the first private lawsuit against this outrageous law, that its “individual mandate” is completely unconstitutional!  

We have also repeatedly pointed out that the law is riddled with “hidden mandates” that, once enacted, would incite outraged calls to repeal or replace this healthcare monstrosity.  

In short, Liberty Counsel has been intensely involved in fighting this law for well over three years now!

The disastrous consequences of its passage that we foresaw have all come to pass.  Our intensely negative view of ObamaCare has slowly come into acceptance by the public at large.  And our lawsuit against it has been one of the principle catalysts for getting the case before the Supreme Court.

Throughout the long process of fighting ObamaCare from its birth as a legislative proposal, through the horrendous process through which it eventually passed Congress, and through the extensive legal battles to stop its implementation that have ensued…

…what has been truly astounding is the Obama administration’s willingness to bully both the United states Congress and the United States Supreme Court time and again, attempting to achieve total dominance of the Executive Branch over the people’s representatives and the highest Court in the land!

Even today, on the very eve of the probable release of the Court’s ruling, the President once again issued a condescending statement about the Court’s upcoming ruling, saying that if the Justices strike down his healthcare law, their actions would take the nation “backwards” and that American’s didn’t want to go through this again.  

Mr. President, you are correct in saying that Americans don’t EVER want to go through anything like this battle again!

In fact, we never wanted to go through it with your administration the first time, when it was rammed down the collective throats of the American people and only passed in Congress due to stealth maneuvers, legislative trickery, bribery, intimidation, and countless backdoor deals.  

But you are WRONG to intentionally subvert the Constitution of the United States of America by repeatedly bullying the other two Branches of our government!

++America’s pastors and churches can lead in America’s restoration!    

On Oct. 30, 2008, Barack Obama announced that upon winning the presidency, he would immediately begin, “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Over the past 3½ years, Barack Obama and his czars and other accomplices have been hard at work pushing their Big Government, statist “change.” ObamaCare, as we now know, was only the beginning.

Patrick, Liberty Counsel wants to reach 158,182 churches and pastors by October with our powerful new election year Action-pack! These churches are the kind of impactful, engaged church bodies that the ACLU, People for the American Way, and other radical groups are attempting to silence on the key issues of the day.

We want to unleash these pastors and church leaders to boldly speak the truth to this generation – and get them and their congregations to the polls this November!

Our Action-pack contains a DVD entitled Take Back America: Silence is Not an Option and The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches.

I need your help to make this possible and it needs to happen right away! The sooner we can reach these pastors and congregations, the sooner we will see a monumental momentum shift in our nation!  

That’s why I am asking you, once again, along with hundreds of thousands of your fellow Liberty Counsel team members, to stand in the gap for those pastors and church leaders who need this resource to overcome the misinformation the enemies of freedom have spread for many, many years now.

I hope you will consider making a special gift to Liberty Counsel to sponsor 5, 10, 20, or even 100 of these powerful resources to send to pastors, church leaders, and ministries all over our nation.

Click here for more information on this nation-changing opportunity:

This campaign is an intense Liberty Counsel initiative that can be a landmark event in the life of our nation.  It uses a strategy that helped the Moral Majority rally pastors, church leaders, and Christians in the pivotal 1980 and 1984 election cycles.  

Just imagine what will happen when the pastors and other church leaders in those 158,182 churches are set free from the deception and misinformation with which radical groups have targeted them!

This Action-pack answers many critical questions about the ways in which we, as a church body, and as individual Believers, can confront the leftist assaults on America head-on.  This is a vital resource for every ministry in America!

If you haven’t already ordered your copy for your home church in Rapid City, please do so today.  Click here to order your copy of the DVD Take Back America: Silence is Not an Option and The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches – or to help sponsor this “must-have” resource delivery to 158,182 churches all across our nation:


God bless you! Also, please watch for my important updates following the release of the Supreme Court ruling on ObamaCare tomorrow.  

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman

Liberty Counsel

P.S. When pastors and churches are free to inform and motivate their members to impact the culture, tyranny simply cannot stand!

The DVD Take Back America: Silence is Not an Option and The Patriot’s Handbook of Political Action for Pastors and Churches are powerful resources that can counteract the misinformation spread by the ACLU and other anti-religious liberty groups.

Click here for more information, to order one or more copies, or to sponsor deliveries to churches across America: