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Tens of millions of workers to lose employer-based healthcare

Grassfire Nation ObamaCare Update

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Three new reports are predicting that tens of millions of Americans will lose their employer-sponsored health insurance (ESI) due to ObamaCare -- adding hundreds of billions and perhaps trillions of dollars to ObamaCare's price tag over the next ten years. The scenario goes like this:

Employers will abandon employer-based health insurance in favor of paying the $2,000 ObamaCare penalty -- and save thousands of dollars per employee in the process.

Meanwhile, employees get forced into the government's health insurance welfare system that pays them thousands of dollars in ObamaCare welfare dollars!

A report issued in May -- entitled "Labor Markets and Health care Reform: New Results" -- paints a shocking picture of the real impact of ObamaCare with an estimated 35 million employees losing their ESI. The report shows clear economicincentives for employers to drop healthcare coverage for employees making up to $59,200.

Two additional studies -- by the National Center for PolicyAnalysis and McKinsey -- project from 80 million to 117 million people will lose their ESI. The McKinsey study surveyed over 1,300 employers and found that "30 percent of employers will definitely or probably stop offering ESI in the years after 2014." For those employers that had a "high awareness" of the rules of ObamaCare, "this proportion increases to more than 50 percent, and upward of 60 percent will pursue some alternative to traditional ESI."

Responding to these studies, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) recently warned in a Washington Post op-ed that:

"ObamaCare poses two great dangers to our nation: lower quality of care and runaway costs. It will stifle innovation and lead to rationing. But the overwhelming cost and the damage it will do to our nation's finances at a pivotal moment in our history deserve greater scrutiny."

Johnson says that if tens of millions of workers lose their ESI and are forced into the government system, the cost of ObamaCare "would be more than nine times the original cost estimate of $93 billion each year ($893 billion vs. $93 billion)."

This is the shocking truth of ObamaCare!

Tens of millions of Americans will lose their employer-based insurance and be forced into a massive new government welfare program that will bankrupt our nation!

Having already signed our petition calling for the immediate defunding and repeal of ObamaCare, we are urging you now to help rally friends and family to sign our national petition by clicking here:

Grassfire Nation will be delivering hundreds of thousands of petitions to key leaders in both the House and Senate, and we want to make certain as many of your family and friends are represented as possible.

Forward this important message today, and urge your friends to take fast action with you by clicking below:

As always thank you for standing with Grassfire Nation.

Your friends at Grassfire Nation

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June 21, 2011