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Cancer screenings are now spreading deadly superbugs, say reports

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) A new study published in the Journal of Urology warns about a newly-recognized danger associated with cancer screenings -- the spread of deadly "superbugs." According to the report, biopsies, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests, and other invasive cancer screening procedures are a direct cause of serious infections, many of which eventually lead to death.

Dozens of studies conducted in recent years have confirmed that not only are many conventional cancer screening methods ineffective or inaccurate, but they also cause more harm than good, in many cases. The number of infections alone that have been caused by prostate biopsies have more than doubled in the last ten years. And roughly 50,000 American men develop infections from prostate biopsies every single year, while nine out of every 10,000 men whose scans return negative end up dying from complications caused by the scan itself.

Even worse, a 2004 study put forth by the John Wayne Cancer Institute in California revealed that needle biopsies, which are the most common screening method used to detect prostate cancer, actually increases the chance that cancer will spread by about 50 percent. So not only does the screening spread deadly infection, but it also increases a man's risk of dying from the cancer it allegedly detects.

Back in April, NaturalNews reported on the results of a 20-year study which revealed that cancer screenings are basically useless as an effective medical intervention. Published in the British Medical Journal, the study found no difference in the overall death rate from cancer between men who were screened for prostate cancer, and men who were not screened (

It is also now widely known that both colon and breast cancer screenings are harmful as well. A US Preventive Services Task Force found that colon cancer screenings put patients' lives at risk, particularly older individuals who are more prone to complications brought about when their colons are accidentally punctured during the probe. And mammograms have been shown to not only falsely identify benign tumors as harmful, but also increase women's risk of breast and other cancers by blasting them with high levels of cancer-inducing radiation (

So why does the medical establishment continue to push cancer screenings when they do not even work, and actually cause cancer? Well, breast cancer screenings alone rake in roughly $4 billion a year for the cancer industry. Add to that the costs associated with follow-up surgeries and other interventions taken as a result of false alarm detections, and overall screening revenues top $70 billion over the course of a decade. In other words, cancer screenings are big money for the cancer industry, regardless of whether or not they provide any real benefit to patients.

The best preventative measures a person can take to avoid cancer involve nutrition and lifestyle, not the poking and prodding of conventional screening procedures. So before you or a loved on rushes off to the doctor to get screened for cancer, why not take some time to learn about the vast array of anti-cancer nutrients and super foods that will help protect you from developing cancer, and also boost your overall health and well-being?

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May 26, 2011