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Scare Mongering Warning About 'Superbugs' . . . 40% Of WHAT NUMBER?

Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

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In it are several flaws involving an evidentiary Center for Disease Control (CDC) map found in the article as 'documentation'.  This article was written as a warning to all who read it: 

Starting at the top . . . the first item of discussion is . . . the title:  MAP OF THE DAY: There's A "Superbug" Spreading Around America Killing 40% Of The People Who Come In Contact

First of all, NO ONE knows how many people come in contact with ANY particular bug.  We are exposed to thousands of 'bugs' on a daily basis.  IF the CDC is keeping track of ANYTHING it would ONLY be those who contracted the disease and THEN counting the number of those who died from it to create the percentage reported.  So . . . the title SHOULD read 'Killing 40% of the People Who CONTRACT the disease'. 

Most important of all . . . when giving percentages, one MUST ALWAYS REVEAL the TOTAL NUMBER of people infected for the 40% to be MEANINGFUL and ACCURATE!!!!!!!  

For example:  When they passed the legislation to permit turning 'right on red' at traffic lights, one year later, a giant newspaper headline screamed . . . "Since 'Right on Red' Became Law in NJ, Pedestrian Deaths Have Increased 100%!"  That's pretty scary, until you discover that, in the prior year, only ONE person was killed by a driver turning 'right on red' in that state.  That meant if TWO people were killed by 'right on red' drivers during the year (365 days) it would represent a 100% increase in deaths attributed to the new law.  Ergo, the 100% headline figure is accurate but not truthful.  By knowing the NUMBER of people a percentage represents, changes the ENTIRE meaning and understanding of a 100% increase in pedestrian deaths.

Next, is the MAP itself!  The 'key' for identifying WHAT the map represents is so blurred that even with a 5X magnifying glass you cannot make out what the symbols (dots) represent.  MOST importantily the map doesn't tell you the NUMBERS those dots represent, it ONLY tells you the LOCATION.  Not very helpful when they tell your that people are dying at a rate of 40% (in ONE report) . . . but NOT . . . of WHAT NUMBERS (see example above).

In the article sent . . . there is NO indication on the map key about what the state's colors represent.  The colors IMPLY that there is a widespread infection going on, BUT it does NOT give ANY CLUES as to WHAT the colors indicate and leaves one to SPECULATE that the problem is HUGE!!!

What should have been included in the article is the following from the CDC website:  "Below is a map showing states with confirmed CRE cases caused by the KPC enzyme in yellow.  A blue dot represents a confirmation of CRE caused by the NDM-1 enzyme.  An orange dot represents a CRE caused by a VIM or IMP enzyme." 

Even on the CDC website:, and using a 5X magnifying glass, you can BARELY determine from the key, what the colors of the teeny, tiny dots are nor are there ANY NUMBERS GIVEN.  VERY poorly, done! 

If the creators of that map plot had taken my college courses, they would have gotten an 'F' for such a poor representation.  Add to that the fact that the CDC is a statistically driven government reporting agency, making it quite apparent that we are NOT well served, nor are we getting our tax dollars worth of good, helpful, information. 

The following from the LA Times is ALSO irresponsible.  Again I ask . . . 40% of WHAT NUMBER of people: 

It was not clear from the study [why wasn't it?] how many of the infections proved fatal, but other studies [NOT by the CDC] in the U.S. and Israel [hmmm] have shown that about 40% of patients with the infection die.

As a statistician-researcher who TAUGHT research methodology and statistics at two universities, I am APPALLED by the CDC's reporting of such an important new health problem in such an IRRESPONSIBLE way.  Shame on them, and shame of those who proliferate such JUNK SCIENCE-MEDICAL reportage without proper notations from the original CDC site and most importantly the un-reported ingredient . . . the NUMBERS, from which the percentages were derived.

Lastly . . . as for the article first mentioned above . . . do note the SIZE of the headline, in relation to the rest of the text, which tells you it was meant to SCARE you and not INFORM you.

So . . . let the scare mongering begin . . . because it will most assuredly stampede the sheeple into a fetal position of immobility and terror while 'they' advance 'their' plans to bring forth martial law, so necessary now since the fake flu pandemic never did get off the ground!

In order to know what's in store for you when 'they' invoke martial law, you should read what's in store for you and your family and hopefully prepare to help yourselves:  TWO 'ACTS' OF TYRANNY ON THE SAME DAY!  HERE 

Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.

Researcher, Author and Founder

March 28, 2011