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'Doctor in the House' poised to stop Obamacare


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to defund Obamacare

'It's only going to be more difficult to unwind in a year'

U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess is warning that pulling the reins on the Obamacare expansion of federal bureaucracy, costs and control over consumers is critical right now.

Burgess said during an interview with Fox and Friends that the longer the problematic legislation is left unaddressed the worse it will be.

"Oddly enough I year ago I wouldn't have thought this would be where we were today," Burgess, whose new book, "Doctor in the House," outlines what he sees as solutions America needs to embrace.

Shock the Washington establishment by participating in the "No More Red Ink" campaign and shut down all new plans for bailouts, "stimulus" spending and even the funding for Obamacare.

"We're looking at the courts actually to save us from this," he continued. "Defunding right now is critical because the rapidity with which it is being implemented is startling."

His comments:

"It's only going to be more difficult to unwind in a year, when the Supreme Court finally rules," he continued. "It's bad from start to finish."

He referenced the political manipulation through which the bill was adopted: pressure that was applied to some Democrats who said they were pro-life and opposed the plan for its favors to the abortion industry.

One key member changed his vote at virtually the last minute, greasing the way for Obama's plan to become law.

"Right until that pro-life Democrat switched his position that Sunday night, no one thought this thing was every going to go anywhere," Burgess said. "People really won't know how bad it is until 2014, 2016 when some of the major provisions kick it, but it is bad."

Learn more about the new book, "Doctor in the House".

He was referencing some of the provisions in Obamacare that raise taxes and delete consumer choice as the full spectrum of government boards, panels, rules, guidelines, demands, requirements and procedures, including details such as government access to bank accounts and medical records, become reality.

Burgess cited the work of Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who has brought down health care costs for his state employees even as government programs were raising their bills.

Burgess told WND in a recent interview the idea isn't complicated: Government should learn to live within its income, just like corporations, families and other organizations.

"You're almost looked at as odd if you talk about things that way" in Washington, Burgess, a Republican from Texas' 26th District, told WND.

The Obamacare law also is being challenged in a number of lawsuits, and more than half of the states are trying to prevent its implementation. Those lawsuits now mostly are at the level of appellate courts, probably en route to the U.S. Supreme Court. They argue that it simply is unconstitutional for the government to require consumers to purchase a product or face a tax penalty for not doing so.

Burgess was also part of a panel assembled at the Washington-based Heritage Foundation seminar on Obamacare. Members of the panel warned of the law's unhealthy consequences, called for repeal and proposed true health-care reform.

The seminar:

Click here to read more about Doctor in the House.

March 22, 2011