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Avandia fraud explained: Why Big Pharma keeps lying about its drugs

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mpany lied about Avandia's safety in order to get the drug approved and keep it on the market. But despite numerous pieces of credible evidence and witness testimonies that have all come forward -- all of which reveal GSK's deception -- an FDA advisory panel is still recommending that Avandia remain on the market.

Back in February, a Senate Finance Committee report revealed that not only is Avandia dangerous, but GSK knows this and has deliberately tried to hide this crucial information from the public. The report even goes so far as to openly name the FDA as a culprit in conspiring with GSK (and other drug companies) to deceive the public.

Right after this extensive report was released, an FDA advisory panel voted 22 - 1 in favor of keeping the drug on the market. And just a few days ago, another FDA panel did the same thing following official hearings that showed even further that GSK committed fraud in getting Avandia approved. (It has since been revealed that at least one expert on the FDA panel voting for Avandia's approval was on the take, receiving "speaking fees" from GSK. But no one seems to care about this disturbing fact...)

You can read the details of the report at the following link: