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 From: G

 To: <>

 Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 1:55 AM

 Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


 I\'ve been following Casper\'s posts for around a year now but I was amazed in yesterday\'s opinion peace that he described the existing US healthcare as the best in the world!! How the hell can that be when your access to treatment depends on your financial wealth rather than your actual health? At least here in the UK we can genuinely say that anyone can receive treatment at any time without cost - now that is what I would call the greatest healthcare system in the world!Secondly, since as an ex-travel agent I have seen detailed medical insurance claims of my clients who were unlucky to fall ill whilst on holiday in the USA, the costs that are charged for treatment and the detailed breakdown of all the ancillary items used shows exorbitant profiteering.

Will Casper like to clarify why he made such a statement in view of these remarks?


----- Original Message -----
From:  Casper
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2010 6:59 AM
Subject: RESPONSE from CASPER to G
For G:
In the U.S. Geoff most Americans are covered by employer provided health insurance with some of the premiums often passed along to the employee. The self employed buy their own insurance often at admittedly exorbitant rates. U.S. law requires all hospitals to provide free health care to the poor. All they must do is show up and wait their turn. No bills whatsoever. The reason why some pay exorbitant premiums is because both Democrats and Republicans have been "purchased" by the Insurance Companies in order to stop "cross state" (inter-state) Insurance Sales resulting in no competition which equals exorbitant premiums. Everyone wants health care reform but it is not necessary to turn it over to Government control to obtain reform. Our Government is a cesspool of corruption and every single program they have taken over is bankrupt and a miserable financial failure. The current legislation results in 159 new agencies to administer the program. Their motivation is destruction of the free enterprise system with the "communist thinking" Democratic party making all citizens entirely dependent upon Government thereby defeating permanently free market advocates. Trillions of dollars annually are involved. One sixth of the U.S. economy. It is CONTROL of that cash flow they are after and the CORPORATION intends to gain CONTROL of it no matter what it takes.  Doctors here, having invested 8 to 10 years in their education, and in hock tens of thousands of dollars for schooling as a result, plus hundreds of thousands i equipment, can not repay loans under a Government controlled system. They are out of business, bankrupt, and "tradesmen" such as plumbers and electricians would be making more income with only a year of specialized schooling. Then too, we are the most litigious Country in the world resulting in massive mal-practice premiums for the Doctors and the Democrats refuse to allow "tort reform" to put a stop to this to reduce premiums so health care cost can be lowered because the Trial Lawyers are one of their most lucrative sources of campaign contributions. Also, the entire structure of the hospitals "economic model" would be destroyed.

 What "they" are attempting to do has very little to do with healthcare.

 It is an obsession with "control". It is their ideology. It's very complicated but an excellent example of all that is currently wrong in America. You can not point at and pick on one segment of society for Government takeover without understanding what it will do to the society as a whole. Thousands of Doctors have stated they can not survive the proposed take over and would be compelled to leave medicine for their families sake. Hospitals and doctors in rural America, which is two thirds of America geographically, say they can not survive the change. What is right for America and the American people is now subservient to Special Interest manipulation of the politicians and the unyielding ideology of the politicians. Passing a reform of this magnitude because you can muster 51% of the votes would not be right for the Country or a divided people. This is of such import, such magnitude that no less than two thirds of the Congress should be in agreement as was the case with "The New Deal" and "Social Security". Again, no one is arguing against  remake of health care in America, only against a Government takeover. An isolated attack on "Big Pharma", for example, would be supported by almost all Americans and result in enormous savings. Our Country and our Body Politick is broken. The reason is because The Corporation and the Illuminati owned Banks and Corporations and their puppet Politicians suppressed the Republic and assumed control via "Public Policy" instead of Constitutional Law. The results are in and the outcome is a disaster  on all fronts including healthcare. The Canadian Prime Minister just left the U.S. after heart surgery. When asked why he said he wanted the best care possible. Your right about the "wealth factor". Anyone with mone  wants and is willing to pay for American Health Care.  This is just another example of the program to "bring down" and "dumb down"  America "because it is not fair" that she is so successful relative to "the world". Long ago the CFR/Trilateralist/Illuminati decided and discussed openly that since it was not possible to bring the world up to U.S. standards the U.S. would be brought down to the worlds standards, hence Government takeover of health care. This is called Communism and it is our destiny unless the programs funding and the announcements give us back our Republic and its Constitution. I hope this helps you to understand the "bigger picture" as health care is only one aspect of the "CHANGE" to Communism being visited upon the American people.
