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Comments on Dr. Roger Starner's Article

Anton Miller

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I can appreciate what you have presented and have no reason to dispute your experiences with ER patients, nor your perceptions, other than I believe this so-called crisis has many ingredients to it.  I witnessed similar things when I was admitted to emergency rooms, including some well known medical centers whose names carry high esteem in this field, and I, too, was a "medicaid" pay status patient.  My shoes were $10.00 Wally World specials and I had quit smoking my pipe.

Of interst to me is why you have not pointed out the other side of the coin.  Hospital charges!  For example, why was I charged $10.00 each for aspirin, $12.00 for small syringes each, $980.00 for each pint of blood (donated blood at that), or $35,788.00 for a 1 1/2 day hospital stay and placing 2 stints in mly kidney arteries, which was @ a 2 your procedure.  That comes out to $1,487.50 per hour for 24 hours!  I do not make that much an hour, do you?  Do you know anyone else that does?  We are still trying to decipher the exact cost of the open heart surgery.

I am not in favor of our corporat government taking over health care.  Health care crisis, cutting costs, is just another way of protecting profits,  As far as I am concerned the crisis is about $money, those who have and those who have not.  According to the dollar amounts above, it is certain that most hospitals are "profit driven", as are any of the heatlh insurance companies including "medicaid".  How will this be addressed and who is going to address it?

Best Regards,

Anton Milelr

REF:  Dr. Roger Starner Jones Muses On Crisis Culture