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Keep It Simple

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From: JY

Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 08:30:38 -0500

Subject: Keep it simple ...


I'm a proud and devoted Progressive and Liberal, but I must agree with the Republicans on the Health Care Bill currently being debated. Our Congress is well on its way to destroying what little is left of our

health care system.

We do not need a 1,900 page health care bill which assures the private insurance industry the opportunity to reap huge profits and rewards from our taxes by using the ill and disabled as justification. We can reduce the solution to most of our heath care issues to one sentence : "The United States Congress hereby extends full Medicare Benefits to all US citizens without regard to age, race, sex, or religion." This one sentence, combined with the funding and oversight required to properly manage this system, would be the most cost efficient and effective system, period. This has already been demonstrated in this country by this very same program. Those who do not recognize this as obvious should remove their industry - supplied blinders and take a closer look.