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In Response to Jim Kirwan's Article '44,000 Americans Die'

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----- Original Message -----
From: KH
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 10:57 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

In response to Jim Kirwan's article "44,000 Americans die".

First of all , I generally enjoy Jim Kirwan's writing very much, however, I must differ in this case. As a doctor of alternative medicine, I can tell you exactly what is wrong with the health Care System. People stuff their faces with junk food and poisons, sit on their fat asses drinking cola and aspartame while watching T.V. or the internet, day in and day out. Then, when they finally suffer the consequences of this unhealthy behavior, they run off to the doctor to get prescriptions for poisons to suppress the symptoms from thier suicidal lifestyles. Health Care is a misnomer. It is disease care. This is co-dependency at its' best!

The U.S. healthcare system is the THIRD LEADING CAUSE of DEATH!

Starfield, B. (2000, July 26) Journal of the American Medical Association, 284 , 483-485

   *12,000 deaths per year from unnecessary surgeies

   *7,000 deaths per year due to medical errors in hospitals

   *20,000 deaths per year due to other errors in hospitals

   *80,000 deaths per year due to infections from hospitals

   *106,000 deaths per year from negative effects of drugs

Those numbers add up to a lot more than the 44,000 you mention in your article "44,000Americans Die". And those numbers only represent those incidents actually reported! The true number is undoubtedly far higher!

This defines insanity. Not to mention the abominable practice of injecting and infecting people with toxic substances and deadly viruses (vaccines) and calling it medicine and healthcare. This barbaric practice destroys the immune system and guarantees that you remain sick and dependent upon the pharmaceutical drug pushers, aka doctors, for the rest of your miserable life.This is pure insanity!

Want to be healthy? Then act like it! Eat right, act right, exercise, quit the destructive habits, and you'll be healthy for free!!

Get real!
