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----- Original Message -----
From: JA
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 4:03 AM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10


Hello Patrick & Ann,

 I just wanted to share an IDEA I had with you.. perhaps you could somehow also share it with others as well. - As a way of getting around the "forced vaccination". - - Since there still are "good" doctors out there - who honor their own Hippocratic Oath - and strongly disagree with the criminal government's "forced" vaccination with that deadly cocktail - - perhaps people could seek these good doctors out, and ask them to give them a pure Vitamin C injection instead - but fill out the paperwork / forms AS IF they've had the Swine Flu vax! - - This way they\re protected from the flu (''vaccinated') but without any poisons put into their body - and they have the paperwork / records to satisfy the government gestappo! - - The good doctor - with clear conscience - could then take one vile vial of the bad stuff out of circulation and dispose of it as he would any other bio-hazardous material (i.e. incinerate it). - Only a blood test - i.e. coming up negative for mercury!

 - could prove otherwise. - Just an idea that came to me. - A graceful way of playing their own game - but without any need for violence or confrontation.

 Bless you both.