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Dr. Robert Shelton

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From: bo
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 5:03 PM
Consistent with the plan of Life Science to bring you a constructive outlook is unburdening your mental universe of any obstacles that bar you from this goal.  Squarely athwart of your course are the medical superstitions that hold sway, subtly and openly, in our society.  Unloading the mental garbage nurtured by the medical fraternity is difficult.  This lesson exposes the whole false fabric upon which the medical profession is based.  Read and reread this lesson.  After absorbing this lengthy lesson as set forth throughout its many illuminating articles, you should be completely free of the illusions and delusions about the medical profession.  You should know that there is no such thing as a healing art for all healing always has been, and will remain the province of internal body wisdom and powers.  You should know that there is no such thing as a "healing substance or agent" for the same reason.   Because there is no such thing s a healing substance or agent, the concept of medicine is, therefore, a myth. You should regard the medical profession as a vestigal remain of voodooism.  Voodooism, is, in fact, not as harmful to sufferers as is the medical fraternity.  Medical studies have established that African witch doctors have better track records with their voodooistic practices than do the medics with all of their "science." 
 This should come as no surprise, for both professions ride to glory on the healing powers inherent within the body and NOT on the harmful administrations they make to sufferers.  The African witch doctor has the distinct advantage because he interferes with the body LESS.  People have always attributed their recoveries to whatever treatment they received, and never to the body which ACTUALLY did the healing.  This lesson will establish that medical practice is nearly ALL mal-practice.  Only that part of  their  practice  involved in  setting  broken bones, repairing the results of injuries such that body healing can better be facilitated and the mechanical correction of physical defects can be said to be constructive practice. All treatment is erroneous and wrong!  All patronage of the profession for any purposes OTHER  than those constructive ones observed is a waste of time and money, yea, a positive hazard to life, and certinly, at the very least, any treatment received will add to the miseries which prompted the patronage. 
Recognizing and applying the sterling truths of this lesson will free you from the grips of a dangerous death-dealing and costly SUPERSITITON.  You should save thousands of dollars year after year.  You can forget the medical profession, in health, and in sickness, but most especially in sickness!  For sickness the profession understands not.   They regard the symptoms of the  HEALING PROCESS as a "disease" to be cured!  What simple stupidity!  All "curing steps" amount to harmful interference with the healing process.  Because they do not understand disease, they fail to understand health.  If you should be so foolish as to cause sickness in yourself, you'll feel shame for having indulged and permitting yourself to be subjected to its causes. Knowing the great restorative powers within, should you become ill, you'll undertake the steps that, in nature, instinct would compel you to follow: nearly complete immobilization, rest, sunny, ligt-filled days, fresh air, pure water, and sleep as the body requirements demand. 
You'll take nothing nor permit any treatments for you now know the body and the body alone is the sole possessor of the intelligence and powers to CORRECT ITSELF.  Freeing yourself of the medical burden should prove such a load off your mind and resources that you can credit this lesson alone for being worth thousands of dollars to you!   And you'll have as a side-effect a longer, happier, and healthier life! Thoughts For This Lesson - "The greatest danger in all disease lies in the treatment itself, and not in the sickness." - Purington "It has always been one of the most difficult practical problems in the world to present new truths so as not to offend old errors; for persons are very apt to regard arguments directed against their opinions as attacks upon their character; and many there are who mistake their own imagined prejudices for established principles.  - Dr. Robert Thacker Trall "What is fairly called "Modern Scientific Medicine" contents itself with expermental toying with a never-ending succession of drugs and with symptoms, while utterly neglecting the laws of life." Dr. Herbert Shelton in Superior Nutrition. 
Medical researchers are searching feverishly today under huge research grants for specific cures for every disease from colds to cancer.  This is self evidence that "medical science" HAS NO CURES.  - Dr. Herbert Shelton. ARE YOU FOOLED BY NAMES? - Is it true that there is nothing in a name?  Quite untrue!  Names are the words we live by.  We lead our lives in accord with the ideas they express, even if the ideas are wrong and cause suffering.  "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.," seems obviously true.  Likewise, "A poison by any other name is STILL a poison." is equally true.  Because we've been brainwashed into certain beliefs, we are fooled by the names that stand for them.  And no better example of this can be offered than the case with "drugs."  We've been brainwashed into believing the curing stupidity.  Therefore we believe in curative substances, medicines.  That the very concept of meicine is absurd and wholly false is another matter.  Here we're concerned with the power of deceptive labels. 
We humans are manipulated by the concepts we subscribe to and the   names used to induce our indulgence of these concepts.  Take drugs.  Is there a reader among  you who does not know ALL drugs to be POISONS?  Is there one among you who would deliberately poison his own body?  Or let anyone else do it?  Yet, when the poisons of the drug trade are called  "medicines", we readily ascent!  Only children know better and refuse.  They must be forced.   We Americans send trainloads of poisons cascading down our throats and permit them to be injected into us simply because we're sold on the idea of "medicine," a curing substance.  Just as valuable truths are rejected because they bear unpopular names, we see the most virulent poisons taken simply because they are called "medicines."  The term "medicine" is popular and is a delusion of nearly universal acceptance.  In the drugstore the skull and crossbones are on nerly every container.   But once dispensed, these poisons no longer bear this warning. 
By some hocus-pocus they have now become "medicines" - from death-dealing substances they have been transformed into supposedly life-enhancing substances.  Is it possible that a name change has change the character of the substance? Suppose physicians were required to be honest and say, "I am going to give you a dose of this poison three times a day.  If that doesn't work, I'm going to switch you to an even stronger poison."  Would you or anyone else long patronize physicians?  Indeed, you would not!  Only by a  semantic deception do we accept poisons prescribed for us.  No wonder then that "medicines" have so may "side effects," of "adverse reactions."   Actually these are the REGULAR effects of these poisons called "medicines."  About 4,500,.000 people each year are poisoned so seriously by their physicians as to be hospitalized!  An estimated 200,000 die.  The so-called "side effects" are per-fumed language for poison effect!  People cannot be poisoned into health.  Poisons add problems instead of solving them. 
To regain health the ill must be furnished with the materials and influences that enable the body to purify and repair itself.  The very idea that health can be restored by the ad-ministering of POISONS , even if called "medicines", is pure nonsense.  The idea that diseases can be prevented or overcome by agencies that are poisonous to the body is mistaken and productive of untold grief.  Such an idea is unworthy    of thinking men and women, but it, nevertheless, highlights the absurdity of medical practice. WAKE UP HUMANITY!! You're being bamboozled by a profession practicing voodooism upon you! THE CURING STUPIDITY - The idea that disease can be cured and that it should be cured and that cures exist, if only they can be found, came into existence in days of grossest ignorance and dark  est superstition.  The idea, simply stated, is that health can be restored without removing the causes of its impairment.  The idea is thatsome extra-vital agent or influence can, of its own power, restore health to a sick organism.  When the idea was originated the small group of self-acclaimed healers that then existed started a mass search for cures that, despite the failure of all the cures so far found, continues with unabated frenzy. 
The search for cures has led mankind to do some rather strange things, while no amount of failure teaches it any lessons at all.  As yet, they do not know the essential nature of disease and do not know that it should be cured, or that it can be cured.  Instead of a study of causes and effects, the cure mania has the whole so-called scientific world chasing will-o-the-wisps, all of which seem to give much promise, but all of which prove to be Dead Sea Fruit. The latest stupidity growing out of the cure superstition is a proposal introduced in Congress to app-ropriate $15 million to be spent over a five year period, in a frenzied search for a cure for cancer.  To raise this tremendous amount of money it has been proposed to levy a 2 percent surcharge tax upon every individual and corporate taxpayer in the land.  As is customary, when the public money is spent on so-called health schemes, people who are sufficiently intelligent and informed to know and understand the supendous folly of the program are made to play along with the ignorant ones who support the medical rackets and the rascality that accompanies al fraudulent undertakings.
Hygenists will be forced to pay for all this research that leads nowhere, along with those who are  sufficiently uninformed to think that medical research can provide us with the impossible.  The propaganda mills are busy grinding out seductive articles for the newspapers and magazines designed to create a public demand for this latest plan to pour public funds down the research rat hole.  Cures may come and cures may go, but the curing goes on forever.  With the passage of time the cures become more complex, more difficult and more expensive.  The culmination in this futility seems to have been achieved when a profession that confesses that it has no cure for the common cold, is stymied by simple indigestion and uncomplicated constipation, and does not know how to deal with a crop of pimples on the face of a teen-age girl, is going to be called upon to go into a research huddle and come up at the end of five years with a cure for cancer. 
Of course, when the five year  period is ended and they come up empty-handed, there is always the possibility of a second five-year plan, the self-styled scientific world will have learned that there are NO cures.  This is, however, too much to be expected.  Hygenists should exert all the influence they can in opposition to this mad-ness and seek for a program of education that will provide the people with the truth about health, disease, and healing. Do Drugs or "Medicines" Really Cure? The anser is NO!  There are NO CURES whatsoever from any source.  An ailing or diseased body requires healing - physiological correction!  All healing is a biological process and only the affected organ-ism has the within it the power to heal!  There are NO OTHER healing powers.  The capacity to heal is INHERENT in the organism.  Diseases are symptoms of bodily healing crises. 
They are an evidence of vital action to expel morbid matters and to restore normal functions.  Drugs furnish no nutrients.  They have no intelligence to create new cells and repair damaged tissue.  Instead, drugs form chemical unions that paralyze nerves, destroy cells  and suspend  vital  action,  thus  causing symptoms of disease to "magically" disappear.  The person so treated, however, is even sicker than he was before even though appearing and perhaps even "feeling" better!  Drugs which have a stim-ulant action rather than a narcotic action goad the body into extraordinary eliminative activity, but this only exhausts an already exhausted body, resulting in the subject being worse of than he was before.  All healing that takes place after the administration of drugs - or of any other kind of "treatment - does so in SPITE of the drugs, and NOT because of them.  Drugs and treatments all rise to glory on the back of the self-haling powers of the body!  Under no circumstances can drugs cure anything and there will NEVER be any such drug.  All drugs are inherently poisonous and dangerous to the organism. 
NO drug of ANY kind should EVER be introduced into the human  organism.   Cures! Cures! Cures!  The search for "cures" is older by far than the written records of man.  Who the first witch doctor was, history does not record.  We do not know when or where he lived, but we do know that he started mankind on a search that has never ceased.  No believable estimate can be made of the number of "cures" that have been "discovered."  When recorded history began, thousands of "cures" were already in use.  The medicine men of that time had "cures" for practically every disease that man suffered with.  But "cures" are peculiar in that they do not long remain cures.  New cures have to be found to supplant the old ones as they lose their effectiveness.  Hence always there has been an army of men and women engaged in the pursuit of new "cures."  Perhaps more  "cures" have been discovered in man's short historic period than wee found throughout the whole of his long period of pre-history. 
Who remembers today the "cures" that were popular ten years ago? Who recalls, except maybe vaguely, the "cures" with which he was treated as a boy in pre-war days?  Who can recollect even the names of the popular patent-medicines of twenty and thirty years ago?  The "cures" of yester-year are long gone, and their places have been filled by many strange NEW "cures" that were unheard of then.  A book on the practice of medicine this is more than two years old is hoary with antiquity.  Its "cures" are no longer used.  Its pages are filled with forgotten theories and with long discarded "cures."  The sober fact is that so rapid is the discovery of new "cures" that the book writers and book publishers cannot get the books out fast enough to keep up with the rapid "advances" of "medical science."  Today, the face of the Earth is thickly dotted with "research institutions that are engaged in searching for new "cures."  Some of these, like the RockefellerInstitute, are large, heavily endowed institutions filled with every conceivable scientific gadget and staffed by a small army of technically trained men and women.
Some are endowed by the various governments.  Many are necessary appendages of manufacturing drug houses.  Others are small and belong to the ambitious man who vainly searches for some Exlixir Vitae, or some Philosopher's Stone.  Perhaps several hundred thousand men and women are engaged in this "research."  No believable estimate can be made of the money invested in plant and equipment with which to carry on the mad search for "cures."  No one can guess how much money flows into the coffers of the "researchers" to assist in their vain search for "cures."  Day and night, all over the world, the search goes on and daily new "cures" are found and heralded to an expectant world; a world that has been taught to look with awe upon the "researcher" and his great stock of knowledge and wisdom.  To the discovery of new "cures" there seems to be no end.
The public demands "cures."  When the old one fails, they demand new ones.  The cure-mongers demand new "cures."  The "researchers" find new "cures."  There is always a ready market for "cures" and there seems to be no limit to the amount of money that may be had for "research."  The job of the "researcher" is to find "cures" and he finds them.  When these fail, he finds new ones.  The drug stores of the world are groaning under their massive load of "cures" - that do not cure.  The mailman brings new "cures" to the physician with almost every mail.  The manufacturing drug houses do not permit physicians to remain long in ignorance of the new "cures." Perhaps they remem  ber the words of the famous French physician of the past century who said to his patient, "Here, take this, while it is still a remedy."
Many Cures, But Nothing Cured - Out of all the uncounted millions of "cures" that have been dis-covered since the first voodoo doctor started mankind on its frenzied hunt for cures, where, pray tell, is the cure for constipation?  For indigestion?  For colds? For boils? For gastritis? For hives?  For pimples?  I do not ask for a cure for cancer, for diabetes, or for Bright's disease, I ask only for one cure for the simplest everyday functional disorders like constipation and indigestion.  In all that vast system of conscious fraud and humbug that proudly styles itself as "Modern Medical Science," is there one cure for anything?  Is there an honest and intelligent physician in the whole world who will claim that he has knowledge of a single cure for even the simplest ailment from which mankind suffers? If not, is he any less a charlatan than the vilest empiric of the past?  All down the ages there has been a constant and ceaseless change of methods of "curing" coincident with an underlying faith in the doctor and his bag of tricks. 
A credulous public "always come back" for more cures.   If it loses its faith in one vaunted "cure" it merely transfers its faith to another loudly touted "cure" or to another much advertised school of "healing."  The Public's stock of credulity seems to never run out. If the public is credulous, what must we say about the physicians who are "taken in" by every new "cure" that is offered them by the manufacturing chemists and pharmaceutical supply houses?  Do they not learn anything from past failures?  If they possessed any real knowledge, would they prescribe and use all the new "cures" offered them by the manufacturers and their subsidized "researchers?"  Intelligent and informed men do not "fall" for the same old "gag" repeatedly.  The desire to be "cured is so strongly embedded in the average person that he will have a cure even if he has to die in order to get it.  Indeed, he is usually "cured" repeatedly, for the cures do not stay put.BR>