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South Dakota Citizens Want Obama Care Stopped, Help Us


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Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 3:00 PM
Subject: South Dakota Citizens Want Obama Care Stopped, Help Us

An Urgent Message From the League of American Voters

Dear Newsmax Reader in South Dakota:

In case you missed it, the League of American Voters will launch a media blitz in the state of South Dakota informing citizens there to the dangers of Obamacare and urging them to call Sen. Johnson.

We need to hold all members of Congress accountable.

You can see the powerful TV ad Dick Morris has created that will air in South Dakota and other states by Going Here Now.

Of course, each state TV ad will mention the senator(s) concerned citizens should call to voice their opposition to the radical Obamacare plan.

Please read our important information below and help us get the word out in your state today by donating to us today — Go Here Now!

Thank you.

Bob Adams

Executive Director

The League of American Voters


Harry Reid Is in Deep Trouble in Nevada

Send Him and Obama a Message

They Won't Forget

Dear Friend:

The Democrats in Congress are in deep, deep trouble.

So much so that Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader in the U.S. Senate, is wildly unpopular with his constituents in his home state, Nevada.

Reid, as you may know, is leading the push in the U.S. Senate for ObamaCare. It's nothing less than a socialist putsch of our healthcare system.

Obama and Reid plan to add 50 million new people to the government system, including an estimated 12 million illegal aliens, to the government health system.

The bottom line: You will pay more taxes for this outrage.

Citizens are simply fed up with Democrats like Harry Reid.

A new Las Vegas Review-Journal poll shows that a relatively unknown, unannounced opponent is leading Reid by 6 percentage points!

The poll found that 48 percent of respondents favored his opponent, while Reid garnered just 42 percent.

These numbers are incredible — and are no doubt reflective of the seismic reaction by Americans like you and groups like ours — The League of American Voters — to inform Americans of the real threat posed by ObamaCare.

Right now, we at the League are close to raising $1 million to expose ObamaCare for our national TV ad campaign.

That is remarkable, considering that we started fundraising just 10 days ago.

Since then we have put our powerful TV ad on stations across the nation.

Our TV ad is now running in seven states: Arkansas, Montana, North Dakota, Maine, South Dakota, Louisiana, and Nebraska.

Thanks to your generosity, I am glad to inform you that just today I just added five more states to our TV ad campaign: North Carolina, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and Nevada.

Yes, Nevada, the home state of Harry Reid!

We are going directly into the enemy's home turf.

As you may know, the TV ad we are running was created by Dick Morris, the famous campaign strategist and Fox News contributor.

You can see Dick's TV ad and donate to us by Going Here Now.

Dick believes our campaign is the best way to inform the American people and defeat Obama Care once and for all.

Let me be clear, The League of American Voters is exactly what we say we are: a nonpartisan, nonprofit educational membership group of voters who care deeply about our country.

We oppose ObamaCare.

We oppose any form of socialism.

We don't want something as critically important as your health care to be run like the Postal Service.

We don't want faceless bureaucrats picked by Obama deciding whether our loved ones get heart surgery, other life-saving procedures, or vital drugs.

We at the League are putting your membership money directly into our national campaign to stop ObamaCare.

We are not funded by Washington special interests. We are funded by voters like you.

And your money goes to good use.

For example, a $5,000 contribution can help us saturate a major TV market for a whole weekend with our TV ad.

A $1,000 donation can buy us every local news TV show in key markets.

Even a $500 contribution can help us reach hundreds of thousands of voters.

We urgently need your donation and membership.

Please don't delay. Time is of the essence.

Donate Today — Go Here Now.

Thank you.


Bob Adams

Executive Director

P.S. As I write this, Obama's White House just announced it still will push for the public option. It also is not backing down on adding 50 million new patients to the government system. Such a move will simply destroy Medicare and lead to government controls over all of the health system. We must fight this — we must act today — Please Go Here Now to Donate.