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Hon. Eugene Delgaudio

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Public Advocate of the U.S.

Dear Patrkck,


I have BAD NEWS...


The Homosexual Lobby has launched their radical plan to pass the Gay Bill of Special Rights (S. 788) in the Senate after Speaker Nancy Pelosi rammed it through the House.


And their main focus is to bully weak-kneed conservative Senators still on the fence to dismantle Religious Liberty.


But now, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that would enforce the Gay Bill of Special Rights without the legislative process.


Which absolutely terrifies me since the Supreme Court is where Real Marriage was destroyed in 2015.


But that's not all -- your Public Advocate is still fighting to protect the Veterans Memorial Peace Cross in The American Legion v. American Humanist Association Supreme Court case.


A ruling that could be made any day now.



Veterans Memorial Peace Cross



For 94 years, this 40-foot cross has stood to honor the memory of 49 men who perished during World War I.



My friend, the Homosexual Lobby has hit national airwaves with their anti-Family rhetoric and plans to intimidate any Senator or Supreme Court Justices who stand in their way.


And the only thing that will stop the Homosexual Lobby's plan is to rally our pro-Family grassroots army, consisting of Americans like you, to take a stand and pressure the Senate and the Supreme Court to stop this evil agenda.


That's why I have launched the "Religious Liberty Action Fund" to finance our proven programs to not be silenced by their anti-Family scheme.


But I need help from pro-Family Americans like you to fully fund this plan before tomorrow's fundraising deadline.


Your financial support will go toward our cutting-edge emails, Internet banners, and Google ads to reach millions of pro-Family Americans and to deliver a hard-hitting Amicus Brief at the Supreme Court.


Your Public Advocate's program and Amicus Briefs have been crucial in past Supreme Court cases -- cases like the Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, which helped drop charges against Jack Phillips and restored his right to Religious Liberty.


That's why I'm counting on your financial support immediately.


Patrkck, without your support, I am afraid the Homosexual Lobby could successfully exterminate Christian Values.


And with the Homosexual Lobby's deep pockets, they have the power and tenacity to accomplish that.


Even their allies, like the so-called "Human Rights Campaign" (HRC), are already attacking Senators and pro-Family groups like Public Advocate for refusing to bow down to their anti-Family agenda.


The HRC and the Homosexual Lobby's other allies are going out of their way to publicly humiliate anyone that remotely shows any opposition to their radical agenda.


Pro-homosexual extremists and their allies in the Leftist media have been vilifying anyone who still believes in defending Traditional Values.


These anti-Family thugs are not the typical opposition to pro-Family Values.


Public Advocate has received threats before, but not in such abusive numbers -- like a united mob.


But I have faith.


I have faith that you -- and many other pro-Family Americans -- are going to come to Public Advocate's aid.


Because I have seen the tens of thousands of pro-Family supporters unite to help Public Advocate successfully stop all forms of this radical bill in the past.


This is the crucial component Public Advocate has that can help stop this dangerous bill and the Homosexual Lobby: hundreds of thousands of pro-Family Americans who will stand up, no matter the odds.


That's why it's so important we unleash the full strength of our program to smash through the Homosexual Lobby's anti-Family scheme.


But time is running out.


We have less than 30 hours left to raise the funds needed to amplify Public Advocate's successful programs.


And so far, we've fallen behind.


If we fail to raise the $20,000 goal before our deadline, I'll have no other choice but to scale back, or even cancel, critical elements of our program altogether.


So please help Public Advocate by pitching in $50, $25, $10, or whatever you can afford to help us double-down on our program and introduce an Amicus Brief at the Supreme Court.


As always, God bless you and God bless America.


For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio


President, Public Advocate of the United States



P.S. The Homosexual Lobby and their allies have launched their entire multi-million-dollar plan to pass the Gay Bill of Special Rights (S. 788) in the Senate.


You see, they already passed this bill in the House thanks to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. And the Supreme Court recently agreed to hear the judicial equivalent of this radical bill.


That is why I'm preparing to double-down on our hard-hitting program to pressure the Senate and plan to introduce our own Amicus Brief in this historic Supreme Court case to stop the Homosexual Lobby.


I need help from pro-Family Americans like you in order to do so, but there is not much time left before our deadline.


So please, pitch in $50, $25, $10, or whatever you can afford to our "Religious Liberty Action Fund" to help Public Advocate amplify this proven program to derail this evil plan.