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Ethan Huff

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Feminist females who’ve long pushed for “equality,” aka free reign to invade all male spaces while emasculating males at large, are finally getting a taste of their own medicine with the so-called “Equality Act,” which threatens to allow any male who “identifies” as a “female” to invade any female space he chooses, including female sports teams.

Co-sponsored by every House Democrat except for one, as well as by two House Republicans, the Equality Act is fourth- (or perhaps fifth-?) wave feminism embodied. In essence, it will erase the concept of gender entirely, and allow everyone who identifies as anything to basically do whatever they want in the name of “tolerance” and “equality.”

According to reports, the Equality Act, if passed, will amend the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes under federal anti-discrimination law, in addition to “sex,” which is already a protected characteristic.

What this will mean is that female athletic teams will be forced to accept biological males who decide that they’re “transgender girls” – because if they don’t, they’ll be in violation of the new and “improved” Civil Rights Act, which will become an anything goes, Cult of LGBT dream come true.

For more related news, be sure to check out

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Because it’s females who stand to be more negatively impacted by this legislation as opposed to males, the Left Cult is screeching with disgust. Julia Beck, for instance, who heads a radical feminist organization, recently testified against the bill as an affront to women, since it will allow males the upper hand in overriding females at sports and other activities.


“Men will dominate female sports,” Beck stated before the House, the Democrat side of which almost unanimously ignored her pleas.

Others, like Sarah Warbelow from the far-Left Human Rights Campaign, openly countered Beck’s claim, insisting that there’s no such thing as differences between males and females in terms of their respective strength and athletic abilities.

“Opponents of equality in athletics for transgender athletes have argued that girls who are transgender have unfair physiological advantages over cisgender girls and as a result, will dominate women’s competitive sports,” Warbelow wrote in a rebuttal to Beck’s assertion, declaring that it’s not “rooted in fact.”

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a Democrat from New York, made similar contentions during a hearing about the Equality Act that was held by his committee.

“Many states have sexual orientation and gender identity nondiscrimination laws, and all of them still have women’s sports,” Nadler insisted. “Arguments about transgender athletes participating in sports in accordance with their gender identity having competitive advantages have not been borne out.”

California already implementing Equality Act-type legislation to turn all children LGBT

As has already been shown, there are, in fact, differences between males and females when it comes to athletic ability. That’s why two males in Connecticut who identify as “females” have been reported as the “winners” on their track team, outpacing all of the real girls during every race.

Sadly, tenets of the Equality Act are already taking root in places like California, where schoolchildren will soon be taught the ins and outs of anal sex and how to “play” with sex toys – all in the name of “inclusion” and “diversity.”

“Wasn’t the lack of women sports the whole reason for Title IX?” asked on commenter at The Daily Caller about the likely impact of the Equality Act. “It gave equal access to athletics for female sports, because men dominated high school and college athletics. This would rip Title IX apart.”

For more news about this type of gender madness, be sure to check out

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