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If you ignore this, the left wins

Hon Eugehe Delgaudio

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Dear Pro-Family American,

This Congress is filled with some of the most radical Democrats in American history.

Leading the radical Homosexual Lobby’s charge is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is doing everything in her power to push Homosexual special rights.

“There is no better ally to the LGBTQ community on Capitol Hill,” said an endorsement signed by 102 leaders of the Radical Homosexual Lobby.

Right now, the Democrats are hell-bent on forcing through radical homosexual legislation.

They are supposedly our representatives, but right now they’re too busy representing homosexuals -- which make up just 1% of the population.

They do this by claiming that you support the Radical Homosexual Agenda.

I don’t think that you do.

And I aim to prove that you don’t.

In that interest, below I’ve linked to your American Morality Survey, which is coded and specially registered in your name.

It’s imperative you sign it because Nancy Pelosi is working on a tidal wave of legislation designed to rip through families, communities, and businesses by enforcing:

*** Special job rights for homosexuals. Businesses may have to adopt hiring quotas to protect themselves from lawsuits. Every homosexual fired or not hired becomes a potential federal civil rights lawsuit.

Radical homosexuals will terrorize daycare centers, hospitals, churches, and private schools. Traditional moral values will be shattered by federal law.

*** An explosion of lawsuits as Christian business owners and even clergy are forced to support homosexual "marriage" ceremonies.

*** The Homosexual Classrooms Act, which pushes their agenda into our schools Your children or grandchildren will be taught homosexuality is moral, natural and good.

Girls will be forced to share bathrooms and locker rooms with cross-dressing boys pretending to be so-called “transgendered.”

High school children will learn perverted sex acts as part of "safe sex" education.

With condoms already handed out in many schools, radical homosexuals will have little trouble adopting today's "if it feels good, do it" sex-ed curriculum to their agenda.

And to add insult to injury, lobbyists for the Radical Left are paid off with your tax dollars!

That's right, radical homosexual groups like the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and ACT UP receive millions from the government.

Hundreds of millions of tax dollars flow to homosexual activists through funding for so-called AIDS awareness programs and research grants -- and I recently read in the paper that cash even went to build a strip club!

Do you think that's acceptable?

Click here to give your answer by completing your American Morality Survey.

Take the American Morality Survey

But though homosexuals are just 1% of the population, if every one of them sent a petition to Congress, it would generate a tidal wave of two or three million petitions or more.

Hundreds of thousands of pro-homosexual petitions will soon flood Congress.

But my friends in Congress tell me there's virtually nothing on Capitol Hill from the tens of millions of Americans like you who oppose the radical Homosexual Agenda and the Gay Bill of Special Rights.

They say that the Radical Left is closer than ever to criminalizing every aspect of our Christian faith.

That's why I'm writing you and as many other patriotic Americans as possible.

To stop the radical Homosexual Lobby and protect marriage, there must be an immediate outpouring of support from folks like you.

Will you help by clicking here to complete your American Morality Survey right away?

Take the American Morality Survey

Homosexual activists mock me in the halls of Congress.

They say it's too late because Americans like you don't care enough to help.

They say you support them. I tell them they are lying. They just laugh and tell me to give up.

Are they right? Should I just give up and let the radical Homosexual Lobby win?

Will you fight?

If, as I hope and pray, you still oppose the war on our Christianity and want to defend the Family and marriage, then please click here immediately to fill out your American Morality Survey and chip in $10 or $20 to Public Advocate right away.

I must tell you, your financial contribution is critical.

You see, while the Radical Left get tens of millions of tax dollars, Public Advocate receives no government funds.

Public Advocate relies on the generosity of Americans like you who give $25, $50 or $75. A few special friends of Public Advocate give $100 or $500.

For many Public Advocate supporters, a contribution of $10 or $25 is a sacrificial gift.

I only ask you to prayerfully consider what you can afford.

You see, I've stretched Public Advocate's resources to contact you and other select Americans whom I believe are most likely to take a stand in these difficult times.

If you won't help, I'm afraid there is little more I can do.

But the fact is, even if every person responds, it won't be enough to counter all that the radical Homosexual Lobby is doing.

And not everyone will respond.

Some are cowed by how pro-Family Americans are portrayed on TV. Others will count on someone else to fight the fight and carry the load.

I don't believe you are like that.

I've identified nearly 10 million families I believe would join our struggle for morality if only I can reach them.

That's more than twice as many as all the homosexuals in America.

And most of these families represent two or three voters each.

But without your financial help, I'll never be able to reach them.

My hope is you care enough to contribute sacrificially so I can reach these families.

A generous gift of $25 will let Public Advocate reach 45 more families. $50 will help us rally more than 97 homes. And a special gift of $100 will generate over 215 contacts.

Only you know whether chipping in $10, $25, or more is best suited to your budget.

I ask you to do what you can.

The radical Homosexual Lobby claims you support homosexual "marriage," special job rights and the promotion of homosexuality in schools.

Please let Congress know the radical homosexuals are lying by completing your American Morality Survey.

For the Family,


President, Public Advocate of the United States

P.S. Right now your representatives are pushing The Homosexual Lobby's radical Agenda and claim YOU support it. This includes homosexual "marriage," special job rights and the promotion of homosexuality in schools.

Is it true? I pray it is not.

Please click here to fill out your American Morality Survey right away so I can prove to Congress and the media the Radical Left is lying about you.

And please chip in $10 or $25 to help Public Advocate defeat the war on Christianity and defend Religious Liberty.

Your contribution is critical to reaching the millions of families I know still care for our future.